Dickinson Alumnus, December 1960

Selected Highlights from this Issue: 
  • President Gilbert Malcolm (class of 1915) invited President-elect Howard Rubendall (class of 1931) to visit campus and meet with faculty before Rubendall's trip to Europe.
  • Dr. Whitfield J. Bell Jr. (class of 1935), co-editor of The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, shared several stories about his search for Franklin manuscripts in "Behind the Franklin Papers- Adventure, Mystery, Chance."
  • Judith Anderson received the Arts Award in November 1960.
  • James M. Read (class of 1929) became president of Wilmington College in Ohio.
  • Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) discussed the history of the College in "The Trustees of Dickinson College."
  • Professor Milton E. Flower (class of 1931) explained how the number of international students at Dickinson increased after World War II.
  • Joyce Nenninger (class of 1949) joined the Metropolitan Sextette, an opera group that preforms at nightclubs.
  • Professor Dr. M. Benton Naff received a grant from the National Science Foundation, which allowed him to work with several students: Fred Richardson (class of 1961), Carl Steindel (class of 1962),  and Henry Crist (class of 1962).
