Dickinson Alumnus, November 1976

Selected Highlights from this Issue: 
  • Robert A. Barr, Dean of Educational Services, defined his beliefs and values as they relate to his role at Dickinson. Other members of President Banks' senior staff were also introduced: Dean of the College George Allan, Treasurer John Woltjen, and Executive Director of Communications Leonard G. Doran.
  • Joseph J. McHugh, director of planned giving, explained how legacy plans help donors save on taxes and benefit the College. 
  • President Sam Banks reviewed his first 15 months in office in "The Chance to Choose," his annual report for the 1975-1976 academic year.
  • Raymond C. Jones (class of 1970) was appointed assistant to the general manager at the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers' Association.
  • William O. Barnard III (class of 1971) was named regional manager of industrial relations for Consolidation Coal Company.
