Memorabilia and Ephemera

    Entries drawn from collection & document descriptions

Black Arts Festival 1986
March 3-March 9, 1986

This brochure outlines the schedule for the Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' 18th Black Arts Festival. Events include lectures and workshops by three artists, a jazz ensemble, a disc jockey show, and a “program of gospel music.”

Black Arts Festival 1987
March 5-March 8, 1987

This brochure outlines the schedule for the Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' 19th Black Arts Festival. Events include a comedy show, a film festival, a production of the musical One Mo’ Time, and a Catholic mass.

C. W. Best Artists’ Series Russian Company concert program

This concert program is for one of the C. W. Best Artists' Series Russian Company's performances.

Location: MC 2013.3, B5, F6

Subject: Visual and Performing Arts

Format: Memorabilia and Ephemera

Time Period:

Black Arts Festival 1988
March 2-March 6, 1988

This brochure outlines the schedule for Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' 1988 Black Arts Festival. Events include a production by the Philadelphia Dance Company, a martial arts exhibit, the Peking Opera, and a lecture by Dr. Ralph Abernathy.

Black Arts Festival: Philadelphia Dance Company
March 6, 1988

The Philadelphia Dance Company presents Phiadanco as part of the 1988 Black Arts Festival. This program highlights the dancers and choreographers.

Hillel Council Calendar of Events
September 1989

The Hillel Council’s calendar of events for September and October 1989.

SS Dickinson Victory Commemorative Envelope
January 13, 2005

A commemorative envelope for the S.S. Dickinson Victory, which was a "Victory" ship built in California during World War II. The ship launched on February 9, 1945.

Location: I-Friends-2005-2

Subject: Politics and Government

Format: Memorabilia and Ephemera

Time Period: 2000-2019


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