Dickinsonian Newspaper

Spaeth, Sigmund

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor Ernest A. Vuilleumier devises a new method to prove the accuracy of chemical analysis of solutions, designating it "The Dickinson Number." Well-known music critic Sigmund Spaeth to lecture at chapel. Park H. Loose is elected by Senate to represent Dickinson at the National Student...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Discussion of music critic, Sigmund Spaeth's lecture at chapel. Article on international news: an update on current political issues in China. Alumni urge the Board of Trustees to erect a new gym.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Eighty students are to be honored at the annual "A" banquet, given each year to recognize those students receiving an overall A average during either semester in the year preceding the banquet. A new president and executive board of the Student Athletic Association is elected. Music critic and...

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