Dickinsonian Newspaper

Old West

Dickinsonian Front Page

The West College Reading Room opens. The roof of South College is replaced. Chi Phi to host convention. Former Dickinson Professor Tyndall creates a (not restrictively Dickinson) scholarship for scientific research.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Union Philosophical Society holds their anniversary, while the Belles Lettres Society opts not to.    The boys on campus hold a “Stag Dance” in the basement of Old West.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The class of '86 plans to erect a fountain near Old West and the new scientific building.  The Belles Lettres Sophomore Contest is held. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Steam heating installed on campus. Belles Lettres Society renovates and refurnishes its room. W. C. Allison pays college's YMCA debt of $300.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Robert W. Rogers, Bradford O. M'Intyre, and Willard G. Lake become Dickinson professors. William Trickett is the new Law School dean. Professor Rittenhouse's former rooms in West College are converted into student rooms. Patton, '92, is elected football captain. An inaugural ceremony is held for...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Overview of senior class.  Dickinson, Fraklin & Marshall, Penn State and Swarthmore draft a constitution for an Inter-Collegiate Debating League.  Phi Kappa Psi moves house.  The class of 1893 holds its tenth anniversary reunion.  Statistics from baseball and track seasons.  President Reed...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Lebanon High School defeats the Law School basketball team 32-5. Old West celebrates her 100th anniversary. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

New plans for Denny Hall are released and promise that the new building will be far superior to the original structure. The senior class outing to Pine Grove is a great success. Miss Sophia Neill Howell, granddaughter of the Rev. William Neill, D.D., President of Dickinson College 1824-1839...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Omega Psi hold their annual reception and Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The Dickinsonian reports on a bill that would create a state and industrial school for African Americans.  The construction of the Molly Pitcher monument is discussed. Alpha Chi Rho is installed at Dickinson.  The...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson observed the 16th year of Dr. Reed's presidency. The bell atop Old West is taken down and placed in the bell tower of Denny Hall.  Upon doing so it was found to be cracked.  Dickinson College hosts the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association of Pennsylvania

Dickinsonian Front Page

Bryan League organized in Prettyman Hall. Installation of Mergenthaler Linotype Machine for the Dickinsonian. Third Section banquet. Preliminaries for Inter-Collegiate Debate Team held in Denny Hall. Pr0fessor Charles Hilliard lecture. Female members of the Carlisle Indian School entertained the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Frederick Watson Hannan is announced as the key speaker for Week of Prayer, to take place the next week between March 7 and 12. The Press Club, previously without a meeting place, secures a room in West College. The previous week's performance of "Daniel Druce" by the Devereux Players is lauded...

Dickinsonian Front Page

A tablet honoring the 810 Dickinsonian World War I veterans is unveiled, as are plans to build Memorial Hall inside of Old West. Bishop Ernest Richardson is announced as the speaker for the Hall's dedication service. Bishop Charles Burns and former president George L. Reed are announced as...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alumni plan publication of "The Dickinson Alumnus", a new alumni paper to be published monthly. Three women from the College as well as two other Carlisle residents suffer injuries after assault by "acid throwers". Dramatic Club plans season. Professor Norcross elected head of Pennsylvania...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Improvements to be made to dormitories, recitation halls, and laboratories and new athletic facilities to be built. Seniors promote the performance of a musical comedy in June to coincide with commencement week.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Old West basement to be remodeled as a memorial room for L.A. Appold '81. Women's fraternities to change rushing system. Freshmen revolt against Tribunal ruling. Volleyball to be introduced into the women's athletic schedule.

Dickinsonian Front Page

This week's issue of the Dickinsonian announces the elections of F. B. Giebel as president of the freshman class and Christopher P. Crook to the sophomore class. Football practice begins early in an effort to continue the path of last season's success. A committee of the Interfraternity Council...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor Vuilleumier of the Chemistry Department announces a new scientific discovery during the last Science Club meeting. A creative article included on the Dickinson mermaid atop Old West being given a bath. Discussion of dramatist Clayton Hamilton's lecture in chapel.

Dickinsonian Front Page

An outbreak of influenza requires that the college open Conway Hall for the treatment of incapacitated students under the guidance of head nurse Catherine Guise.  Former professor Hazel Jane Bullock describes her adventures in Spain, having witnessed Spanish theatre and a bullfight in Madrid. ...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Daily chapel services abolished; services will only be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  George Robert Stephens, Horace A. Rogers, Elmer Charles Herber and E. Winifred Chapman join the faculty.  Renovations of Old West are completed.  Lovers' Lane is removed.  Freshman girls are each...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Plans for Homecoming, November 15, are underway. Two recent Dickinson graduates, John Pipa and Robert Forney, take part in local politics, running for positions in Northumberland County. The freshman class revolts against the class rules system, violating every rule but wearing the dink. This is...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson alumnus Professor Clarence Anderson of Pennsylvania State College dies following an operation at a hospital on Huntingdon. Upon the recommendation of the Special Athletic Committee of the Alumni Council a new committee was appointed to survey the athletic situation on campus. Every...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Announces speakers for Vocational Guidance Week. Committees appointed to help plan the Sesquicentennial dance. The Dickinson Debate team won a debate against Colgate. Article on initials carved into the "famous old stone steps" of Old West. The Men's Glee Club will travel to sing for Dickinson...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson museum displays pieces of Dickinson history in Old West. Omicron Delta Kappa plans to edit a new college song book.


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