Horn, William (aka Miss Tina)

Gay Era (Lancaster, PA) - February 1975
February 1975

The Gay Era was a newspaper that reported news of interest from around the United States, with a specific focus on the news surrounding the gay community in Central PA, and provided a central forum for gay communities that were spread out across...

PA Rural Gay Caucus Minutes - February 1977
February 1977

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.”

In these minutes general information...

PA Rural Gay Caucus Report - February 1977
February 1977

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.” The report newsletter was used as outreach...

William ''Miss Tina'' Horn
November 25, 2018

William Horn, dressed as his drag persona “Miss Christina Louise,” Miss Tina for short, tells of their experiences growing up gay, performing as a Drag Queen and the various organizations they’ve been a part of in their life. After moving to...

Subscribe to Horn, William (aka Miss Tina)