Student Senate Plaque, 1986

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00112
Shelf 20 (housed with AC 00109-00111)
A wooden shield with a plastic medallion featuring the "United Way"name and symbol, with a small rectangular golden metal plate with the engraved text, 'Student Senate, " Fall Fest” 1986'

United Way Plaque, 1982

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00638
Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00650-651)

A United Way appreciation of service plaque presented to Dickinson College on November 16, 1982. "Dickinson College, In appreciation to students, faculty, and administration for their efforts in unifying the community and striving to improve the quality of life through service to the United Way of the Great Carlisle Area and its 22 member agencies. Nov. 16, 1982" is engraved on the front of the silver colored plaque underneath the United Way logo. 
