"Civil War Times in Carlisle," by Merkel Landis
February 12, 1931

Merkel Landis provides a broad overview of what happened in Carlisle during the Civil War. Landis explores important political moments, including Presidential and local elections between 1860 and 1865, as well as describes how Carlisle residents respond to various events during the war.  These...

"The American Civil War and the Effect on Dickinson College Enrollment," by Christine Line
May 9, 2001

Christine Line's paper studies the effect of the Civil War on enrollment demographics at Dickinson College, specifically regarding students’ states of origin and graduation rates per region.  Line also discusses the rebound in enrollment that occurs after the Civil War. This essay is from an...

Broadside of “Conditions of Peace Required of the So-Called Seceded States”
April 24, 1861

This broadside, “Conditions of Peace Required of the So-Called Seceded States,” is posted in New York City on April 24, 1861.

The handwritten note at the top of the broadside reads: This was written by Prof. Olmstead and tacked up in New York City 11 P.M. at a time when it was...

Carlisle Morning Bulletin - April 16, 1861
April 16, 1861

The Carlisle Morning Bulletin, which is published by the Carlisle Democrat, includes the latest developments on the secession crisis. The reports in this issue include the departure of Fort Sumter commander Major Robert Anderson from Charleston, South Carolina, news that 20,000...

Carlisle Morning Bulletin - April 19, 1861
April 19, 1861

The Carlisle Morning Bulletin, which is published by the Carlisle Democrat, includes the latest developments on the secession crisis. The reports in this issue focus on the aftermath of Major Robert Anderson's decision to surrender Fort Sumter, Virginia's secession from the...

Carlisle Morning Bulletin - April 20, 1861
April 20, 1861

The Carlisle Morning Bulletin, which is published by the Carlisle Democrat, includes the latest developments on the secession crisis. The reports in this issue include the attack on detachments from the 6th Massachusetts and 1st Pennsylvania in Baltimore, the destruction of...

Circular Letter from President Herman M. Johnson
April 24, 1861

President Herman M. Johnson issues this circular letter as additional southern states secede after Fort Sumter and asks that Dickinson College students return to Carlisle. While "the excitement which has arisen from the sudden outbreak of the war" was "considerable for two or three days,"...

Eli Slifer Papers
1849 - 1871

Eli Slifer was a prominent businessman who was responsible for the recruitment and supplying of regiments from Pennsylvania during the Civil War. His letters contain his personal, as well as business correspondence with family, friends, business partners, military officials, and even Governor...

Horatio Collins King’s Saber and Scabbard

View of Horatio Collins King’s Saber and Scabbard, circa 1861.

John Taylor Cuddy Papers
June 1861 - April 1864

John Taylor Cuddy was born on October 17th, 1844 to the Cuddy family of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. At the onset of the American Civil War, Cuddy joined the local unit known as the “Carlisle Fencibles”. The Fencibles became Company A of the 7th Pennsylvania Reserves (PVRC), also known as the 36th...

Letter from Andrew Curtin to S. G. Theud
July 19, 1861

Pennsylvania Governor Andrew G. Curtin responds to S. G. [Theud's?]request about raising a new Pennsylvania volunteer regiment. While "I most heartily approve of the plan," Curtin notes that he "[does] not [have] the power to arm and equip a company" since Pennsylvania is "confined to the...

Thomas William Dick Papers
August 1861 - May 1864

Thomas William Dick served with Company H, 12th Pennsylvania Reserves from 1861-1864. He fought through all of the major battles of the 12th as they campaigned through Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.  Many of the engagements are mentioned in the letters, all of which were written by Dick...

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