Dickinson Alumnus, May 1959

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College unveiled a new bookplate to mark items purchased with funds from the Library Guild. 
  • Professor Max R. Brunstetter (class of 1922) was appointed Provost of Teachers College at Columbia University.
  • Dr. Frederick A. Klemm (class of 1933) became the chairman of the Department of Modern Language at Union College in New York.
  • Dr. John J. Ketterer (class of 1943) became head of the Biology Department at Monmouth College in Illinois.
  • The Chicago Sun-Times mentioned trustee Samuel W. Witwer Jr. (class of 1930) as possible Republican candidate for Governor of Illinois.
  • Norman Twain (class of 1952) reached success as a Broadway Play Producer.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1959

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Rev. Dr. Alpheus S. Mowbray (class of 1885) preached a sermon at a church in New Jersey on his 100th birthday. 
  • The Board of Trustees asked President William W. Edel (class of 1915) to serve until the end of June 1959. 
  • Benard C. Brominski (class of 1947) was named Judge of the Common Pleas Court in Luzerne County.
  • Dr. Paul Bunting Irwin (class of 1930) won a fellowship for Theological Studies at the University of Cambridge in England.

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1958

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The new C. Scott Althouse Science Hall and the renovated Tome Scientific Building were formally opened and dedicated during Homecoming. 
  • Dr. Horace E. Rogers (class of 1924) became the new Chairman of the Chemistry Department after the death of Dr. Ernest Vuilleumier.
  • Jack H. Caum (class of 1934) made the first public announcement that a new high school in Wilmington, Delaware would be named in honor of John Dickinson.
  • Dr. Paul R. Burkholder (class of 1924), the man who discovered chloromycetin, sought the cure for cancer in mold.
  • Ruby R. Vale (class of 1896) donated $150,000 to cover the construction of a new city hall in Milford, Delaware.

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1958

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President William W. Edel (class of 1915) and trustee Frank E. Masland Jr. (class of 1918) traveled to Carlisle, England and took part in the 800th anniversary celebration of the granting of the royal charter for that city.
  • Professor Frederic W. Ness (class of 1933) published a book that discussed the difficulties of recruiting students for the teaching profession.
  • Dr. Ewart M. Baldwin (class of 1940) became general manager of the Semiconductor Corporation in Palo Alto, California.
  • Harry C. Zug (class of 1934) became president of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
  • John Lamb McIntire (class of 1937), official representative of the American Public Relations Association, attended a conference in Europe with industrial and professional leaders.
  • Dr. Lewis H. Rohrbaugh (class of 1930) was selected for a special assignment to Peru by the International Bank for the Reconstruction and Development (World Bank).