Dickinsonian, November 21, 1906

"On a slippery field" Dickinson loses to State by one touchdown, 6-0.  Dr. C.T. Winchester of Wesleyan University gives the first lecture of the Civic Club course in the opera house.  Members of the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres literary societies choose question and candidate for the Inter-Society Debate.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1903

Annual Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  L. Wellington Johnson, Elmer L. Williams and Frank P. Fleegal of the Union Philosophical Society defeat Thomas J. Towers, George L. Reed and George E. Mark of Belles Lettres in the annual inter-society debate on a question of arbitration in strikes.  The Dickinson Library Guild petitions the Board of Trustees for approval of its existence and work.  Union Philosophical Society elects officers.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1899

The Inter-Society Debate between the Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society took place in Bosler Hall. The Belles Lettres Society won. The state convention for the Y. M. C. A. is held. A reader responds to the Dickinsonian's negative comments about the Law School. An address entitled “Carlisle Before and During the Revolution” is given at the Women’s Civic Club of Carlisle. The Mid-winter sports will begin on Friday.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 13, 1897

The 108th anniversary of the Union Philosophical Literary Society is celebrated.  Preparations for celebrations for George Washington's birthday take place.  Students anticipate an upcoming performance in Bosler Hall by the Smalley Ladies' Quartet.  The rules of the annual inter-society debate are discussed.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1901

Summary of Washington's birthday celebration. Beta Theta Pi dinner. Debate between Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society, in which the Union Philosophical Society Wins. Article on various youth societies and movements. Article outlining the honor system used at Wesleyan University. Update on the upcoming Microcosm. Summary of the Philadelphia alumni banquet.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1902

Inter-Society debate between the Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society, in which the former wins. Washington Birthday Celebration. Belles Lettres Literary Society's anniversary in Bosler Hall. Phi Kappa Psi smoker. Senior class reception.
