Dickinsonian, March 25, 1937

The Library’s annual budget of $6,000 will be reduced to $5,000 due to the end of a grant usually given to the library. Jocko, the Biology Lab’s six-foot boa constrictor, died after losing a fang and contracting an infection. Columbia won against Dickinson in the debate over minimum wage regulations. During Pan-Hellenic Week, the boys and girls switch places to get a glimpse into the lives of the opposite sex. The week ended with a dance. The College Library opens a Newspaper Room in the basement of Bosler Hall.


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1937

Plans for a Pan-Hellenic Week continue, and it is said that if successful, it will become a Dickinson tradition. The Belles Lettres Society discusses three modern novelists, Undst, Lewis, and Mann. Gettysburg beats Dickinson at a swim meet. The Debate Team wins against Ursinus and Ashland in the debate over the minimum wage question. Guest Day, the day where prospective students and their families come to visit the school, is scheduled. Wheel and Chain requests that alumnae donate books to the College Library.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1937

The Debate Team loses the first debate of the season. A date for the premiere of the Dramatic Club’s play The Royal Family is set. An article is found explaining that Dickinson was the beneficiary of the lottery in 1790. The All-College Social Committee plans a Pan-Hellenic week. An article relates the truth about American patriotism. A local entomologist discusses the harmful insects in the region. The Theological Society has converted the old commuter’s room in the basement of Old West into a religious center.
