Dickinsonian, April 13, 2006

Public Safety increases security in response to recent cases of assault and trespassing on and near campus. For the second year in a row, Dickinson U-Turn will be accepting various donations of unwanted items to be sent to Project SHARE and United Way at the end of the semester. Two students present "The World After" in the Cubiculo to raise money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and to promote AIDS awareness on campus.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 2005

College may consider upgrading RA pay plan. Few details of ROTC harassment incident emerge. Future bright for class of 2010 based on fall open house. Local intelligent design debate creates cultural conflict. English Department quietly raising poetry awareness for National Poetry Month. High school football coach Bill Yoast depicted in Remember the Titans to hold leadership session on campus. Women's Soccer shows no mercy.


Dickinsonian, September 8, 2005

Dickinson hosts students displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Lt. Joseph Fazio to be interim director of Public Safety. Death Cab for Cutie to make their Dickinson Debut. Despite decrease in numbers, Sororities cheer on. Residential Life dispels rumors about negative changes to housing.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 2004

Campus survey reveals student opinion on residential life policies and restrictions. Davidson Hall residents/students in Healthy Living (drug and alcohol-free) environments face changes to policy. Linda Ellerbee to speak on campus about media coverage. Artist Aagdalene Hsu-Li interviewed prior to campus performance.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 2001

Recipients of the Cogan Fellowship returned to Dickinson on February 26 and 27 to discuss their career paths. The Office of Residential Life distributed a packet to students detailing the changed housing selection process. Rami Khouri and Ilan Peleg debated in the "Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation" event which took place on March 1. The debate gave the impression that reconciliation between Israel and Palestine was not far away. The student senate discussed changes in Greek life on February 27th.


Dickinsonian, August 27, 1999

U.S. News: College ranks 39th among top schools. College welcomes largest class ever. College developing new communities on campus. Renovations continue on campus with the new science center, the Kline Center, and the SNAR. Changes in dorm life spark new RA training. Community Directors added to Res. Life Staff. Presidential welcome for the masses. Dean offers words of wisdom for new students. Former freshman recounts his experiences for posterity.


Dickinsonian, August 30, 1984

New construction on campus, completion of 'Townhouses' on Louther. Housing shortage on campus results from larger freshman class, improved retention rate. College changes alcohol policy regarding kegs on campus, restricting them to fraternity housing only. Denny Hall completely renovated for first time since 1905, while additions to Snack Bar (Snar) lag behind schedule. Phi Kappa Sigma suspended for two years. Review of campus alcohol policies nationwide and on campus. Music review of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and accompanying concert tour.
