Dickinsonian Newspaper


Dickinsonian Front Page

The Y.M.C.A travels to Scranton for the Jubilee Convention which is a great success. Edwin M. Wilmer '70 shares his memories of college. 

Dickinsonian Front Page

Moncure D. Conway passes away in Paris. He was supposed to have returened to the United States on the day of his death. He was en route from Scotland after visiting his friend Andrew Carnegie. Y.W.C.A hosts a meeting with the Y.M.C.A.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Exceptionally large attendance at the Deutscher Verein meeting. Dr. William Prettyman, abroad in Germany, publishes article. Baltimore Alumni hold banquet. Carlisle alumni criticized for inactivity. Shearer's Drug Store Literary prize awarded. Y.M.C.A. to bring in a Drum and Fife duo to perform...

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