Dickinsonian, March 19, 1931

The German Club's showing of the film "Anna Christie" brings in $120.29 to be added to the travel fund that will allow students to travel to Germany. A new Dickinson alumni club will be forming in New Jersey. Six college students, including representatives from Dickinson, are collecting 1,000,000 signatures annually to pledge total abstinence from intoxicating beverages. Three men from the Dickinson basketball team are chosen to be members of the Franklin and Marshall honor team. In their first inter-collegiate swim meet, the Dickinsonians emerge victorious.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1988

Dickinson receives federal grant for alcohol and drug education program. Health and Safety Committee enacts new smoking policy. Position of Health Educator created; first to hold is Judy Bennett. Gretchen Ernest creates Habitat for Humanity organization on campus. Men's soccer is chosen to participate in East Coast Athletic Conference tournament.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 2000

Students have mixed feelings about the new class registration system. Wildlife at the Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and Field Laboratory is being harmed by an overpopulation of deer. Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Ashley Myers and Allyson Ayers write an article about turnitin.com, the new online way that teachers can see if their students have plagiarized. The editors editorial questions the purpose of the various physical renovations happening to Dickinson's campus. Students are interviewed about their views on whether affirmative action could be used to bring men to campus.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1990

The importance of all-college committee considered. Senior Leah Goldfarb gives lecture on pornography. Dickinson College and Franklin and Marshall College participate in a symposium concerning Gulf Crisis. Alcohol Awareness Week events recapped. Parents' Weekend activities discussed. Athletics faces major budget issues, which hamper performance.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 9, 1995

Senate recognizes Dickinson chapter of Students for a Free Tibet. ROTC sponsors blood drive in Social Hall. As part of Alcohol Awareness Month, speakers talk on alcohol issues. Producer David Haugland speaks at Common Hour panel on homosexuality. College to participate in Pew Higher Education Roundtable. Exhibit of Haitian photography and art displayed at Trout Gallery. Film Society merges with Campus Activities Board. In Rubendall Recital Hall, Janice Hamlet stresses role of black feminist thought as part of Women's History Week. Blue Lou Marini to perform in ATS.
