Dickinsonian, November 7, 1896

Annual Week of Prayer for Colleges upcoming.  John DeWitt Miller to give a lecture, hosted by the YMCA.  Dr. Prince is made an honorary member of the Union Philosophical Society.  Many students returned home to vote in the presidential election.  "Sound Money" students participate in a demonstration in Carlisle.  Dr. Reed gives a speech on campaign issues at the Court House, and then in response to the negative article about it in the Carlisle Sentinel, challenges any local Democrat to a debate, which none accept.


Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Professor Earnest A. Vuilleumier invents a solids hydrometer, to be used in determining the specific gravity of solid substances. The Board of Trustees authorizes the drawing up of architectural plans for renovations to the college's dormitories and the building of a new gymnasium. New events to be featured during commencement are outlined, designed to include significantly more alumni involvement than in previous years. The French Club presents its two plays in Metzger Hall to overwhelmingly good reviews.
