Dickinsonian, March 11, 2010

A group of Dickinson men continue to push for the initiation of an international Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. Dickinson Public Safety and Student Senate launch the Safe Ride Program. Two students are arrested at a local bar, causing Fast Eddies to tighten its security. Pleasurable Sex Chat addresses men's and women's sexuality. Two major snowstorms cost the college about $25,000. Profile on student athlete Ross Anstaett. The Baseball and Men's Lacrosse Teams begin their seasons with game victories.

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Dickinsonian, May 4, 2006

The Public Affairs Symposium reveals next year's topic: "No Laughing Matter: Humor in a Complex World." Students lament the demolition of the James Science building, covering the walls with goodbyes and drawings. A new science building will be built in its place while the psychology, geology and environmental sciences will move to the newly renovated Kauffman building. It is revealed that Carlisle's air quality is the 24th worst in the nation.
