Dickinsonian, February 6, 1997

Keith Boykin opens the College's Black History Month celebration with a lecture. Professor Cornel West of Harvard University to speak later for the celebration. College awarded $1.3 million in research grants. Eight senators are impeached at the latest Student Senate session as a result of absenteeism. Kline Center to obtain a new fitness facility. Profile on student athlete, Nate Brought. Men's Basketball wins eighth straight game, beating Muhlenberg College.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1996

Lani Guinier to give lecture through the Clarke Center. Details regarding the Latin American Symposium. Jim Hoefler, Professor of Political Science, announces his bid for a Pennsylvania State Senate seat. Debate over the use of the Depot on campus. Large centerfold on the details of the Public Affairs Symposium. Despite losing its last three games, the Women's Basketball team heads for play-offs. Three Dickinsonians are named to the All-Conference Team: Annie Guzek, Gretchen Muller, and Nate Brought.

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