Dickinsonian, April 17, 1985

College leadership, honorary societies ODK and Wheel and Chain conduct yearly tapping ceremonies. Dispute over Toulouse Program casts shadow over graduation for some seniors. Efforts underway to make course credit exchange between University of Toulouse and Dickinson more fluid. Geology and Psychology departments to be relocated. Warning from Health Services that nearly six hundred students have questionable immunization status. Professors Nancy C. Mellerski and Sylvie G. Davidson receive tenure. Student talent show nights at Union Station prove successful.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1986

Dean of Educational Services, Leonard Goldberg, has announced his move to the University of Richmond. A rumor is cleared up that Phi Delta Theta's house will not be moved to Stuart Hall. Two faculty members boycotted a meeting to discuss divestment, Professors Nancy Mellerski and Thomas Zoumaras. The Volleyball team earned its first ever Mid Atlantic Conference bid.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1985

Tri-Delta or Delta Delta Delta has become Dickinson's sixth sorority. A group of academic professionals, headed by Nancy Mellerski, are set to examine the College's investments. BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) is sponsoring Alcohol Awareness Week as part of a nationwide event. Beta Theta Pi's fraternity pole-sits for charity, Alpha Chi Rho raises money for Big-Little through a picnic and Kappa Alpha Theta raised funds for the American Cancer Society.

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