Dickinsonian, September 21, 1995

The national ranking of Dickinson College moves into the highest tier. Articles on the deaths of two faculty members, Amy Snow and Kurt Bair. The Classics Department receives a generous endowment of one million and thirty-four thousand dollars given by the Roberts Family. A petition from Earth Now circulates campus asking for the support of students against nuclear testing. The Clarke Center sponsors a panel to discuss the recent Bosnian tragedy. Professor Ronald Takaki of University of California, Berkeley guest lectures on multiculturalism in America.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1991

In lieu of recent attacks on students by townspeople, campus security offers safety suggestions. David Gergen and others speak on "changing Europe" in PAS. Peter Hilton-Kingdon resigns as Senate VP. Don't Mall the Trees Rally deemed a success by DARE member Justin Weaver. Prof. Dennis Akin's works on paintings inspired by Nikos Kazantzakis' "Spiritual Exercises." Sculptor Charles Simonds visits College. Pete Barry and Anne Flounders present "Love Letters" play. Dance Theater Group to perform. The College's financial aid is discussed.
