Error message

  • Notice: Undefined index: und in include() (line 59 of /var/www/archives/sites/all/themes/mayo/templates/field--field_dson_image.tpl.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in include() (line 59 of /var/www/archives/sites/all/themes/mayo/templates/field--field_dson_image.tpl.php).
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in include() (line 59 of /var/www/archives/sites/all/themes/mayo/templates/field--field_dson_image.tpl.php).

Dickinsonian Newspaper

Tolstaia, Tatiana

Dickinsonian Front Page

New Senate resolution restricts Concert Committee selection process. Rape Awareness Week features various events, including upcoming panel discussion. Class pre-registration method revised. Housing Board decides next school year's SDLC locations. English major redesigned for this year's freshmen...

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