Photographic Print, B&W

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Ear," 1969

View as student actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of A Flea in Her Ear in April 1969.

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Ear," 1969

Three actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of A Flea in Her Ear in April 1969.

Left: Jeannie White

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Ear," 1969

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of A Flea in Her Ear in April 1969.

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Ear," 1969

Student actors, including Jeannie White, perform in the Mermaid Player's production of A Flea in Her Ear in April 1969.

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

Joshua Clapper (left) and Kerry Epstein perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

View as a set designer paints a wall for the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

Cast members pose for a picture after a rehearsal of the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

A scene from the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Actors in this scene include David McCallum, Chris Rice, Jen Thornton, Joshua Clapper, Kerry Epstein, and Jeff Peck.

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

Three actors in a scene from the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Left to Right: Josh Sherman ('96) ; Dawn Madia ('96) ; Eric Stoneberg ('96)

Mermaid Players, "A Flea in Her Rear," 1995

A scene from the Mermaid Players' production of A Flea in Her Rear in October 1995. 

Left to Right: Jeff Peck ; Joshua Clapper ; Chris Rice ; Jen Thornton

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968. 

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' Production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968.

Right: Katrina F. Clinton ('68)

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968.

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968.

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968.

Mermaid Players, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," 1968

Several actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum in May 1968.

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

Far left: David Glasgow ('93)

Second from left: Laura Hodos ('93)

Third from right (back): Paul Murray ('94) ; Fifth from right (center):...

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

View as a student helps paint the set for the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

A student helps build the set for the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

A student helps make a costume for the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

Mermaid Players, "A Little Night Music," 1991

Students perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Little Night Music in February 1991. 

From right: Chris Lettrich ('94) ; Amy Morse ('94)

Second from left: Paul Murray ('94)

Third from left: Beth Hallet ('94)

Mermaid Players, "A Man for All Seasons," 1967

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Man for All Seasons in November 1967.

Mermaid Players, "A Man for All Seasons," 1967

Three student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Man for All Seasons in November 1967.

Mermaid Players, "A Man for All Seasons," 1967

Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of A Man for All Seasons in November 1967.


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