Paper Berlin Wall, 1989
A student draws on a paper version of the Berlin Wall erected by the German Club in November 1989.
A student draws on a paper version of the Berlin Wall erected by the German Club in November 1989.
Professor Chris Anderson of the Spanish Department lectures to his students on the steps of Bosler Hall, around 1990.
Professor Robert J. Boyle shows his astronomy class how the planetarium machinery works.
Professor Claire Bartlett of the French department, circa 1990.
The 1990 baseball team takes a team photograph.
Applied Music professor Nancy Baun with her cello, around 1990.
Members of the women's cross country team start a race against other schools around 1990.
William Bellinger, Professor of Economics, teaching in class, circa 1990.
Professor of Economics Gordon S. Bergston.
View of a Big/Little member with two kids at an event in 1990.
Sidney Bookbinder, a member of the Class of 1935, holds a " '35 is HERE!" sign during alumni weekend around 1990.
Professor of Anthropology Kristen Borre around 1990.
Professor Robert Paul's class meets outside on the academic quad around the flag pole in 1990.
Friends from the Class of 1957 at a reunion around 1990, including Sue Winslow, Betsy Reichle, Jane Flynn, Phyllis Linde, Edith Johnson, Mae Johnson, and Marge Derr.
The Collegium ensemble for the 1989-1990 academic year poses for a photograph in 1990.
View from the back of the orchestra of the conductor in the middle of directing during a concert in 1990.
The Conestoga Wagon, seen here in a circa 1990 photograph, is awarded to the winner of the annual football game between Franklin & Marshall College and Dickinson College. President A. Lee Fritschler and Director of Athletics Les Poolman hold the award.
Professor of Psychology Stephen Coslett, circa 1990.
Runners start a cross country meet in 1990.
Professor of English Dorothy Culp lecturing in class.
View of a Dance Theatre Group performance in 1990.
View of a Dance Theatre Group performance in 1990.
Trustee J. Milton Davidson, a member of the Class of 1933, hugs former Professor Joe Shiffmann at an event around 1990.
Chemistry Professor Tom Brennan discusses the results of an experiment with two students around 1990.