Men's Lacrosse Team, 1981

The Men's Lacrosse team in 1981.

First Row: Charles J. Goodman, Daniel B. Allanoff, David B. Frengel, Larry K. Goldenberg, Brinton H. Hoover, Charles F. Phillips

Second Row: Douglas H. Carras, Scott D. Othoson, Hugh M. Coxe, Krister S. Hjelm - Co-Captain, Peter Resch - Co-Captain, Allan R. Singer, Mitchell B. Pinheiro, Mark J. Otto

Third Row: Coach W.J. Gobrecht, David K. Garrett, Keith A. Mottus, Mark S. Denslow, Matthew K. Page, Joseph A. Cimino, Dean W. Trevlyn, David C. Cohen, Jennifer M. Kozak - Manager

Photograph Archives

Men's Lacrosse Team, 1982

The Men's Lacrosse team in 1982.

First Row: Scott H. Seitchik, David K. Garrett, Daniel M. Shapiro, James S. Cox, Mitchell B. Pinheiro, Scott D. Othoson, Thomas M. DiBiagio, Joseph S. Ford, Charles F. Phillips - Captain

Second Row: David J. Ellis, Brinton H. Hoover, Charles J. Goodman, David C. Cohen, Eric M. Dull, Keith A. Mottus, Mark J. Otto, Joseph A. Cimino, Gregory M. Alman

Third Row: Michael A. Chung, Kenneth J. Oskowiak, David R. Forrey, Glenn A. Clouser, David B. Frengel, Martin P. Mullaney, Tierney E. O'Hearn, Clelland N. Green

Fourth Row: Ass't Coach W. Henry Resch, Anthony N. Lagunilla, Timothy R. Wentworth, Bennett W. West, Daniel B. Allanoff, John R. Keim, Coach W.J. Gobrecht

Photograph Archives

Group of friends at an event, c.1983

Dan Allanoff ('83) puts his arms in the air as he poses with friends for a picture at a social event.

Bottom of photo: Stan Edwards ('83)

If you can identify anyone in this photograph or provide any additional information, please contact the Archives ( This image is slide 45 of the Class of 1983 Senior Slideshow.

Slide Archives
Events and Activities