Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dancing at Lughnasa in 1997.
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Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dancing at Lughnasa in 1997.
Six actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dancing at Lughnasa in 1997.
Two students perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dangerous Liaisons in October 1990.
Left to Right: Johanna Lipscher '94 ; Nora Dougherty '92
Student actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dangerous Liaisons in October 1990.
Left: Michael Dneaster ('91) ; Center: Ashley Smith ('92)
Two students perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dangerous Liaisons in October 1990.
Left: Ashley Smith ('92) ; Right: Gina Psipsikas ('94)
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Dangerous Liaisons in October 1990.
Left: Ashley Smith ('92)
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Eastern Standard in 1992.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Eastern Standard in 1992.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Eastern Standard in 1992.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Eastern Standard in 1992.
A member of the crew sits during the crew call for the Mermaid Players' production of Edmond in October 1985.
View as crew members Andrew Calvin and Christine Winyaiski learn the radial arm saw technique in building the set for the Mermaid Players' production of Edmond in October 1985.
Students perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Samuel Beckett's Endgame in May 1965.
Students perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Samuel Beckett's Endgame in May 1965.
Three actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Left to Right: Leslie Caraett ; Molly Flower ; Peter Chandler
David Snyder (left) and Cameron Pitcairn perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Brenda Liebowitz ('73) and Frank McGahey III ('73) perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Linda Klien ('71) and Chuck Eldridge ('71) perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Three actors perform in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Left to Right: Vince Peterson ('72) ; Frances Conroy ('74) ; Victoria Rooch ('72)
A scene from the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Two actors backstage in the Mermaid Player's production of Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man in October and November 1970.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Two actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of the morality play "Everyman." The play is performed in association with Religion-in-Life Week on March 31 and April 1, 1955.
Actors perform in the Mermaid Players' production of Feunte Ovejuna in October 1975.