The Dickinson field hockey team plays against a rival team around 1970.
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Dickinson's field hockey team, who win the Hockey Cup during the 1935 season.
The seniors and sophomores of the field hockey team go head to head in 1952. At the end, the game is tied 0-0.
Several members of the varsity field hockey team pose for a group shot in 1959.
Left to Right: Lois Mecum, Jane Neuber, Dougie Rice, Mary Fischer, Faith Chambers, Betsy Wylie, Barbara Fogg, G. McConnell, B. Green, S. Pastore.
The Field Hockey team sits for a group photo.
Row 1: Stacey Wittmeyer, Kristyn Lortz, Lynn Kiesel
Row 2: Kristen Lorelli, Kathleen DeSchamp, Denise Stockwell, Megan Thomas, Carolyn Meno, Sally Flynn, Karen Paton, Sonya Church
Row 3: Coach Carol Cox...
The team shows some school spirit with their "Go Red Devil" Field Hockey banner.
This fight between Dickinson and Gettysburg fans was one of many that occurred during and after the November 11, 1933, home football game. Decided by a 35-yard field goal in the final moments of the game, the match-up between the two rivals ended in a loss for Dickinson.
A member of the Dickinson ice hockey team struggles to maintain his balance as an opponent attempts to prevent him from performing his role in the play.