Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Lily White & Company Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - 1994

Lily White & Company Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for 1994.

York Area LAMBDA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - May 4, 1994
May 4, 1994

York Area LAMBDA Board of Directors meeting agenda and minutes discussing the Mother's Day Street Fair Lemonade Stand plans.

York Area LAMBDA, started in the 1990s and originally known as York Support Inc., was an educational, political,...

Lily White & Company Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - 1996

Lily White & Company Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for 1996.

York Lesbian Alliance Meeting Minutes - April 13, 1997
April 13, 1997

York Lesbian Alliance meeting minutes focusing on the York City School District Anti-Discrimination Policy and adding sex/sexual orientation to hate crimes status.

York Lesbian Alliance was started by Peg (Stoppard) Welch in the 1990s. 

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Unidentified Minutes, page 3 - undated

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were...


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