Member in Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup shirt at the Dignity/Central PA Picnic – August 1983

Member in Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup shirt at the Dignity/Central PA Picnic – August 1983
August 1983

This is a photo of a member wearing a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup shirt alongside other members at the August 1983 Dignity/Central PA Picnic. This picture is found on page 44 of the PDF of the Dignity/Central PA Scrapbook.

Dignity/Central PA is a forum for human concerns, a place of seeking for greater self, knowledge, and wisdom, an affirmation of one's sexual orientation in faith, and personal ministry. This scrapbook was created by Steven Leshner, a member of Dignity/Central PA, and includes mostly photos, unless otherwise noted, of annual picnics, events, and members, like those of founder Jerry Brennan and Father Wallace Sawdy.

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Gift of Steven Leshner
LGBT-029 - Steven Leshner Collection
Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections