Weiss "Window to out Humanity" Stained Glass Dedicated

Fri., Oct. 19, 1984

The multicolored stained glass piece over the doorway of Weiss depicting free falling, maple seed whirlies released by delicate hands, was dedicated in a ceremony on Friday, October 19th by President Samuel Banks. The piece, six feet tall and over four feet wide, was created by Dennis Akin while on sabbatical. The background of sea-green colored Lins glass was made in Florida, and the multi-colored transparent white glass was made with an antique technique in Germany.

Akin discussed the piece, commenting that the hands symbolize those who teach at Dickinson, and that he "made symbolic use of the whirlies because seeds, like ideas, 'get planted, grow, and mature... a nice symbolic equivalent for the students we teach, who take our ideas, graduate and go off into the world where something happens. They change, their ideas mature and grow, and the become whoever it is they are going to be, like a tree, complete in itself'".


Dickinsonian, Oct. 24, 1984, pg. 10, 17.