Annual First Year Speech Contest

Mon., May 12, 1930

Roy R. Kuebler won the Miller prize of $25 during the annual First year speech contest for excellence in forensic declamation. Louis C. Colburn won the Walkley second prize of $15 for excellence in dramatic declamation. W. Frederick Reinfurt and James March received honorable mentions. Kuebler's speech was on "The Eleventh Commandment" by Morris G. Robinson. Colburn's speech was on "The Victor of Marengo" and Reinfurt's speech was on "The Mansion" by Henry Van Dkye. The judges of the competition were Carlisle residents, Merrill F. Hummel, Charles B. Strayer and Mrs. C. Guiles Flower. Also, Professors Quimby and Doney. 

Event Type: 

Dickinsonian, May 15, 1930, pg. 1.