Isaac Norris Collection

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Researcher requested copies of select pages from Robert Morison's "Hortus Regius Blesensis Auctus," found in the Isaac Norris Collection. The requested copies were provided.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Robert Morison
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Researcher requested copy of Fausto Paulo Socino's "De Auctoritate S. Scripturae," part of the Isaac Norris Collection. Book was copied and mailed.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Fausto Paulo Socino
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Researcher requested information about plates and collation of Dickinson's copy of Claude Jordan's "Voyages Historique de l'Europe," 1712. A description of the copy was provided.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Claude Jordan
Friday, August 10, 2007

Researcher requested copy of Peter Paravicino's "Les Premiers Rudimens," part of the Norris Collection. The book was scanned and the files emailed to the researcher.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Peter Paravicino
Friday, June 8, 2007

Researcher inquired about confirming Isaac Norris's handwriting and bookplate in a copy of Erasmus's, "De linguae usu atque abusu." A scan of the item was requested for comparison.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Desiderius Erasmus
Friday, May 25, 2007

Researcher requested assistance in identifying content related to Samuel Chappuzeau in Pierre Jurieu's book "L'Esprit de Mr. Arnaud". Sample scans of the table of contents and other relevant text were e-mailed. Additional scans can be provided for a fee.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Pierre Jurieu, Samuel Chappuzeau
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Researcher asked if a digital copy of Gilbert Clerke's "Tractatus Tres" was available. For a fee, the text was copied, scanned, and emailed to the researcher.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Gilbert Clerke
Monday, April 23, 2007

Researcher asked about marginalia in Isaac Norris's copy of "Tractatus Duo" by Drebbel since Francis Pastorius may have borrowed this copy for his research. One marginal note was found, scanned, and sent to the researcher.

Topic: Cornelius Drebbel, Isaac Norris Collection, Francis Pastorius
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Researcher requested a copy of "Responses Genereuses & Chretienne de quatre Gentils-Hommes Protestans" by Gedeon Flournois, found in the Isaac Norris Collection. Cost estimates to make a complete copy were shared with the researcher.

Topic: Isaac Norris Collection, Gedeon Flournois


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