Courses on Questions of Orthodox Ideology, 1938

Click to See Images: 
A Prayer Before the Start of Good Works
On Religion
The Old Testament: Evil, Sin, and Redemption
A Lecture
The Meaning of the New Testament
The History of the Gospels
The Doctrine of the Church
The Dogmas of the Faith
The Fight Against God in Soviet Russia
The Creed
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy
The Sacraments Of The Church
The Priesthood
On the Divine Eucharist
Worship is the Heart of Orthodoxy
The Liturgy
The Triumphant Church

Typed essays, on the Ideology of the Russian Orthodox Church (Курсы по Вопросамъ Православного Мировозрѣния), published by the Parish of the Church of Christ the Savior (Издание Прихода Храм Христа Спасителя) in Asnières-sur-Seine, France, a suburb of Paris with a high percentage of Russian immigrants. The essays are written by prominent clergical scholars of Russian orthodoxy, most notably Georgi Florovsky, who were forced to leave Russia for political reasons after the civil war. Lesson 17, the only one with a date, was written on February 26, 1938, and the others were likely from around the same time. The pre-Soviet Russian alphabet is used, which is common among expatriots who left Russia around the time of the revolution.

The following lessons are included in the collection:

Lesson 1 (первый день занятий): A Prayer Before the Start of Good Works (Mолебен перед началом доброго дела) by Hieromonk Methodius (Иеромонах Мефодий) 

Lesson 2 (второй день занятий): On Religion (О Религии) by Professor Vasily Vasilievich Zenkovsky (Проф. Василий Васильевич Зеньковский)

Lesson 3 (третий день занятий): The Old Testament: Evil, Sin, and Redemption (Ветхий Завет: зло, грех, и искупление) by Archimandrite Nikon (Архимандрит Никон)

Lesson 4 (четвертый день занятий): A Lecture (Лекция) by Professor Vasily Vasilievich Zenkovsky (Проф. Василий Васильевич Зеньковский)

Lesson 6 (6-ой день занятий): The Meaning of the New Testament (Значение Нового Завета) by Archimandrite Cassian (Архимандрит Кассиан)

Lesson 7 (7-ой день занятий): The History of the Gospels (История Евангельская) by Archimandrite Cassian (Архимандрит Кассиан)

Lesson 8 (8-ой день занятий): The Doctrine of the Church (Учение о Церкви) by Georgi Florovsky (Георгий Флоровский)

Lesson 9 (9-ый день занятий): The Dogmas of the Faith (Догматии Вeры) by Georgi Florovsky (Георгий Флоровский)

Lesson 11 (11-ый день занятий): The Fight Against God in Soviet Russia (Борьба с Богом в Совeтской России) Hieromonk Methodius (Иеромонах Мефодий)

Lesson 12 (12-й день занятий): The Creed (Символ Веры) by Georgi Florovsky (Георгий Флоровский)

Lesson 13 (13-й день занятий): Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (Православие и Инославие) by Georgi Florovsky (Георгий Флоровский)

Lesson 14 (14-ы день занятий): The Sacraments Of The Church (Таинства Церкви) by Father Viktor Yuriev (Отца Виктор Юрьев)

Lesson 15 (15-ый день занятий): The Priesthood (Священство) by Father Viktor Yuriev (Отца Виктор Юрьев)

Lesson 16 (16-ый день занятий): On the Divine Eucharist (О Божественной Евхаристии) by Archpriest Sergei Bulgakov (Протоиерея Сергей Булгаков)

Lesson 17 (17-ый день занятий):Worship is the Heart of Orthodoxy (Богослужение - Cердце Православия) by Archimandrite Cyprian (Архимандрит Киприан)

Lesson 18 (18-ый день занятий): The Liturgy (Литургия)  by Archimandrite Cyprian (Архимандрит Киприан)

Lesson 19 (19-ый день занятий): The Triumphant Church (Торжествующая Церковь) by Father Viktor Yuriev (Отца Виктор Юрьев)

Troussoff Collection, box 3, folder 1.4.16
Gift of Gail Troussoff Marks '73