Award Ceremonies

    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Thu., May 21, 1959

During the Mermaid Players banquet on May 21, Sue Murray and Doug Wert (both Class of 1959) received the Gould Awards. This award was presented to two students deemed the most outstanding in the field of drama. President William Edel selected the recipients based on recommendations from the...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Dec. 1, 1959

Architect Eero Saarinen was presented with the 1959 Arts Award. Mr. Saarinen gave an address at the ceremony.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Mar. 16, 1960

Glenn T. Seaborg, recipient of the 1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements and Chancellor of the University of California, is presented the 1960 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Seaborg gave an address titled "The New...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., Nov. 11, 1960

Australian actress Dame Judith Anderson was presented with the 1960 Arts Award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 9, 1961

The Phi Kappa Psi received the Interfraternity Council (IFC) Scholarship Award during Chapel in Bosler Hall on March 9, 1961. The award was presented to the fraternity that had the greatest academic improvement.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 23, 1961

Geophysicist and oceanographer W. Maurice Ewing, Higgins Professor of Geology at Columbia University, is presented the 1961 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Ewing gave an address titled ""Free Vibrations of the Earth."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., Apr. 14, 1961

During the Spring Formal intermission on April 14, the Skull and Key honorary society for junior men tapped ten sophomores as new members. In addition, the Black Hats selected Gus Bird as the recipient of their annual award that recognized the most outstanding man in the freshman class. Bird was...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Mon., May 6, 1961

During the annual D-ball banquet, Mike Hermann (Class of 1961), a basketball and baseball player, was awarded the MacAndrew's Trophy for being Dickinson's Athlete of the year.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sat., Nov. 11, 1961

On the evening of Friday November, 10, 1961, Richard H. McAndrews was honored by hundreds of his former athletes in a testimonial dinner presented by the Dickinson "D" Club. "Mac" was dedicated to Dickinson athletics for 51 years. Starting in 1911 as a football trainer, he worked his way to...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Fri., Mar. 30, 1962

Organic Chemist Robert Burns Woodward, professor at Harvard University, was presented the 1962 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Woodward gave an address titled "From Carbon to Chlorophyll: Construction and Creation in Chemistry."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 14, 1963

Chemist Kenneth Sanborn Pitzer, President of Rice University, was presented the 1963 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Pitzer gave an address titled "False Impossibilities."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 17, 1963

Illustrator and graphic artist Leonard Baskin, Professor of Art at Smith College, was presented the 1963 Arts Award. At the ceremony, Mr. Baskin gave an address titled "Roots and Veins", which was printed in a commemorative pamphlet featuring reproduction of a painting of the same name.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 19, 1964

Physicist Isadore I. Rabi, Higgins Professor of Physics at Columbia University and 1944 Nobel Laureate in Physics, was awarded the 1964 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Dr. Rabi gave an address titled "Science and Human Goals."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 18, 1965

Joel H. Hildebrand, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, was presented the 1965 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Dr. Hildebrand gave an address titled "Order from Chaos."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 17, 1966

Charles H. Townes, Provost of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recipient of the 1964 Nobel Prize in physics for his work on lasers, was presented the 1966 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Dr. Townes gave an address titled "Lasers - A Research Case History."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., May 4, 1966

Composer Walter Piston, Professor of Music at Harvard University was presented the 1966 Arts Award. At the ceremony the Dickinson College Choir and Instrumental Ensemble performed his composition "The Song and Prayer of David", conducted by Professor Truman Bullard. Piston gave an address on the...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 16, 1967

George W. Beadle, President of the University of Chicago and recipient of the 1958 Nobel Prize in Medicine, was presented the 1967 Priestley Award. At the ceremony Dr. Beadle gave an address titled "Genetics and Cultural Evolution".

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 5, 1968

Poet W.H. Auden was presented with the 1968 Arts Award. At the ceremony, Auden gave a reading of his own work.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu. Mar. 14, 1968

Marshall W. Nirenberg, Chief of the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics at the National Heart Institute, was presented the 1968 Priestley Award, just months before receiving the Nobel Prize in Medicine that same year. At the ceremony, Dr. Nirenberg gave an address titled "Genes, Neurons, and...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., May 15, 1968

Jesse Owens, an award winning track and field star, visited campus and spoke at the D-Club Spring Awards Banquet.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 27, 1969

Linus C. Pauling, Research Associate at the California Institute of Technology, staff member of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and recipient of both the Nobel Prize in chemistry and the Nobel Peace Prize, was presented the 1969 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Dr. Pauling...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 10, 1970

George Wald, Higgins Professor of Biology at Harvard University and recipient of the 1967 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded the 1970 Priestley Award. At the ceremony, Dr. Wald gave an address titled "The Human Enterprise."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Apr. 8, 1970

Composer John Cage was presented the 1970 Arts award. A concert of several works by Cage was performed the previous evening.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 9, 1971

Anthropologist Margaret Mead, Curator Emeritus of Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History, was presented the 1971 Priestley Award. Mead was the first woman to receive the award. At the ceremony, Mead,  gave an address titled "Man Within Nature."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sun., May 23, 1971

The graduating class of 1971 chose Professor Harry F. Booth, chairman of the religion department, to receive the Ganoe Award for being the most inspirational teacher during their time at college.  Dr. Booth received the award at the 1971 Commencement exercises.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies


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