Award Ceremonies

    Entries drawn from the college history timeline

Thu., Mar. 13, 1986

Roald Hoffman, John A. Newman Professor of Physical Science at Cornell University and recipient of the 1981 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was presented the 1986 Priestley Award for his contributions to applied theoretical chemistry. At the ceremony Dr. Hoffman gave an address titled "One Culture."...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sun., May 18, 1986

Media businessman Thornton F. Bradshaw addressed the College as part of its 1986 Commencement exercises. Mr. Bradshaw also received an honorary degree from the College.

Event Type: Academic Ceremonies, Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 5, 1987

Novelist Robert Stone, author of "A Hall of Mirrors" and "Dog Soldiers", was presented the 1987 Arts Award. The ceremony featured a lecture by Stone and a discussion of his work.  

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Apr. 2, 1987

Thomas Francis Banchoff, Professor of Mathematics at Brown University, was presented the 1987 Priestley Award for his use of computer graphics to visualize four dimensional objects. At the ceremony Dr. Banchoff gave an address titled "Visualizing the Fourth Dimension."

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Apr. 7, 1988

On April 7th, 1988, tappings for the honorary organizations on campus were held. The Student Alumnae Council, Omicron Delta Kappa, and the Wheel & Chain Society all announced their new members. The Student Alumnae Council awarded students for their service to the Dickinson and Carlisle...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Sep. 7, 1988

Francis Harry Compton Crick, Kieckhefer Distinguished Professor at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies and 1962 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, was presented the 1988 Priestley Award for his discovery of the structure of DNA and his subsequent work on the genetic code and the mechanism of...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Apr. 12, 1989

On April 12th, the members of the Wheel & Chain (Blue Hats) and of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) tapped new members for the upcoming year. 

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sun., May 21, 1989

Vartan Gregorian, President of Brown University from 1989-97, addressed the College as part of the 1989 Commencement exercises. Dr. Gregorian also received an honorary degree from the College.

Event Type: Academic Ceremonies, Award Ceremonies
Thu., Sep. 28, 1989

Arno A. Penzias, Vice President of Research at Bell Laboratories and recipient of the 1978 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, was awarded the 1989 Priestley Award for his discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, leading to the establishment of the Big Bang theory of cosmology. At the ceremony...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 6, 1990

Playwright and screenwriter Horton Foote, screenwriter for "To Kill A Mockingbird", was presented with the 1990 Arts Award. The ceremony featured a lecture and discussion.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Oct. 3, 1990

Wallace S. Broecker, Professor of Geochemistry at the Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, was awarded the 1990 Priestley Award for his contributions to the study of climate change. At the ceremony Dr. Broecker gave an address titled "What Drives Glacial Cycles?"

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Oct. 8, 1991

Harry B. Gray, Director of the Beckman Institute and Arnold O. Beckman Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, was presented the 1991 Priestley Award for his research in inorganic photochemistry and bioinorganic chemistry. At the ceremony Dr. Gray gave an address titled...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Tue., Mar. 3, 1992

Leon Golub was presented the 1992 Arts Award for his paintings that explore state-sponsored violence.  His work WorldWide was on display at the Trout Gallery when he received the award.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Wed., Oct. 21, 1992

Solomon H. Snyder, Distinguised Service Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology, and Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, was presented the 1992 Priestley Award for his work to isolate the brain's opiate receptor, leading to the development of new pain management techniques. At...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 4, 1993

Poet Seamus Heaney was presented with the 1993 Arts Award. At the ceremony Heaney gave a reading of his own work.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 7, 1993

George M. Woodwell, President and Director of the Woods Hole Research Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, was presented the 1993 Priestley Award for his research on the structure and function of Natural Communities and their role as segments of the biosphere. At the ceremony, Dr. Woodwell gave...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 6, 1994

Gerald Holton, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Professor of History of Science, at Harvard University, was presented the 1994 Priestley Award for his unique contributions to understanding the complex dimensions of the interplay of science and society. At the ceremony, Dr. Holton gave an...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Sep. 28, 1995

Cognitive Scientist Marvin Minsky, Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was presented the 1995 Priestley Award for his pioneering work in the field of artificial intelligence. At the ceremony, Dr. Minsky gave an address titled "The New...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Sun., Apr. 21, 1996

Dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp was presented with the 1996 Arts Award. The ceremony concluded with a question and answer session. As part of her visit to campus, Tharp also taught a dance master class.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 3, 1996

Leon M. Lederman, Director Emeritus of the Dermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Pritzker Professor of Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology, was presented with the 1996 Priestley Award for his work in particle physics. At the ceremony, which was held in the Anita Tuvin Schlechter...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Mar. 6, 1997

Soprano Phyllis Bryn-Julson was presented the 1997 Arts Award. The ceremony featured a recital by Bryn-Julson. As part of her visit, Bryn-Julson gave a master class for vocal students.

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 9, 1997

Geophysicist Frank Press, the Cecil and Ida Green senior Fellow at the Carnegie Institute of Washington and President Emeritus of the National Academy of Sciences, received the 1997 Priestley Award for his work as a Presidential advisor for science policy and an advocate for the support of...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Sep. 17, 1998

Bruce N. Ames, Professor of Biochemestry and Molecular Biology and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center at the University of California, Berkeley, was presented the 1998 Priestley Award for his contributions to the study of cancer. At the ceremony, which was...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Nov. 4, 1999

J. Michael Bishop, cancer researcher and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, was awarded the 1999 Priestley Award for his contributions to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of cancer. At the ceremony, Dr. Bishop gave an address titled "Opening the Black Box of Cancer. "

Event Type: Award Ceremonies
Thu., Oct. 19, 2000

Biologist E. O. Wilson, University Research Professor and Honorary Curator in Entomology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, was presented the 2000 Priestley Award for his contributions to the field of conservation biology. At the ceremony, which was held in the Anita...

Event Type: Award Ceremonies


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