Selected Highlights from this Issue
- The Board of Trustees selected an architect for the new women's dormitory.
- Rev. Dr. John M. Pearson (class 0f 1918) was elected president of Drew Seminary for Young Woman at Carmel, New York.
- Dr. James Morgan Read (class of 1929) was appointed Director of the Division of Educational and Cultural Relations for the High Commissioner of Germany.
- Lois Eddy McDonnell (class of 1935) wrote several books, teachers' manuals, and articles on issues related to religious child training programs.
- Professor William Drum Gould argued in "Bulwarks of Defense" that independent church-related colleges helped counteract forces that would destroy democracy.
- John M. Rhey (class of 1883), a trustee and a founder of the Library Guild, died after a brief illness at age 91.
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