Dickinson Alumnus, May 1950

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The College published a collection of historical essays titled Bulwark of Liberty in honor of of Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900).
  • Dr. Whitfield J. Bell Jr. was promoted to the rank of professor and installed as the first occupant of the newly-endowed Boyd Lee Spahr chair of American History.
  • Rev. Dr. Rowland R. Lehman (class of 1923) became assistant to the president of the college.
  • A new chapel opened on the first floor of Old West.
  • Reviewers praised Rev. Kenneth Clinton's (class of 1937) new book, Let's Read the Bible.
  • Trustee Boyd Lee Spahr (class of 1900) provided funding for the addition of a cupola on the new South College.

Dickinson Alumnus, February 1950

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees selected an architect for the new women's dormitory. 
  • Rev. Dr. John M. Pearson (class 0f 1918) was elected president of Drew Seminary for Young Woman at Carmel, New York.
  • Dr. James Morgan Read (class of 1929) was appointed Director of the Division of Educational and Cultural Relations for the High Commissioner of Germany.
  • Lois Eddy McDonnell (class of 1935) wrote several books, teachers' manuals, and articles on issues related to religious child training programs.
  • Professor William Drum Gould argued in "Bulwarks of Defense" that independent church-related colleges helped counteract forces that would destroy democracy. 
  • John M. Rhey (class of 1883), a trustee and a founder of the Library Guild, died after a brief illness at age 91.

Dickinson Alumnus, December 1949

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Board of Trustees authorized building an addition to Metzger Hall and continued to plan for a new women's dormitory.
  • The College installed a tablet in Memorial Hall that was dedicated to the Dickinsonians who lost their lives during the Second World War. 
  • Lt. Commander Frances L. Willoughby (class of 1927) became the first woman physician to receive a Navy commission after serving several years in the Naval Reserve. 
  • Dr. Edmund Roger Samuel (class of 1910) became head of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania.
  • W. Burg Anstine (class of 1931) was elected president of the National Exchange Club.
  • Reviewers praised Rev. Alson J. Smith's (class of 1930) new book, Faith To Live By

Dickinson Alumnus, September 1949

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • President William W. Edel (class of 1915) shared experiences from his recent trip to Israel.
  • Ruby R. Vale (class of 1896) published the fourth and final volume of his "monumental" study on justice, Justice Under Law and For Humanitarianism As Foundation of Society and Challenge of Civilization.
  • May Morris (class of 1909) and Mulford Stough were promoted to the rank of full Professor.
  • The Class of 1924 donated a portrait of Professor Ernest Vuilleumier.
  • Jurgen von Oertzen (class of 1934), a German exchange student, died during the Battle of Riga in 1941.
  • Elinor G. Derr (class of 1944) had "a key role" in an experiment conducted at the University of Maine regarding children' abilities to learn foreign languages.
  • Physical Education Professor Richard H. MacAndrews retired after working at Dickinson for 38 years.