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Wed., Sep. 26, 1787 First Commencement
Thu., Jul. 3, 1792 1792 Commencement
Wed., Sep. 26, 1810 1810 Commencement
Wed., Sep. 25, 1811 1811 Commencement
Wed., Sep. 30, 1812 1812 Commencement
Thu., Sep. 30, 1813 1813 Commencement
June, 1823 1823 Commencement
Wed., Sep. 27, 1826 John Sergeant Receives Honorary Degree
Wed., Sep. 27, 1826 1826 Commencement
Tue., Sep. 25, 1827 Second Annual Oration
Wed., Sep. 24, 1828 1828 Commencement
Wed., Sep. 23, 1829 1829 Commencement
Wed., Jul. 20, 1836 1836 Junior Exhibition
Thu., Jul. 20, 1837 1837 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 19, 1838 1838 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 11, 1839 Reverdy Johnson Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 11, 1839 1839 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 9, 1840 1840 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 8, 1841 1841 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 13, 1843 1843 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 13, 1843 George Washington Bethune '23 Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 11, 1844 1844 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 10, 1845 1845 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 10, 1845 William Henry Gilder Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 9, 1846 1846 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 8, 1847 Henry Brewerton Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 8, 1847 1847 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 13, 1848 1848 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 13, 1848 Henry Louis Baugher '26 Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 12, 1849 1849 Commencement
Tue., Jul. 9, 1850 Exhibition of the Sophomore Class 1850
Thu., Jul. 11, 1850 1850 Commencement
Thu., Jun. 26, 1851 Charles Collins Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jun. 26, 1851 1851 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 8, 1852 John Perdue Gray '46 Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 8, 1852 1852 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 8, 1852 Samuel Dickinson Hillman '50 Receives Honorary Degree
Thu., Jul. 14, 1853 1853 Commencement
Thu., Jul. 13, 1854 1854 Commencement
Thu., Sep. 14, 1854 College Exercises Commence
Tue., Oct. 10, 1854 1854 Election Day
Mon., Oct. 30, 1854 Students Celebrate Halloween with Mischief
Tue., Nov. 28, 1854 Students Perform Music in Town
Wed., Jan. 17, 1855 Musical Convention and Concert
Sat., Mar. 24, 1855 Fire at Carlisle Foundry
Tue., Apr. 3, 1855 Students Go Bird Hunting
Tue., Apr. 24, 1855 Students Form Vocal Club
Sat., Apr. 28, 1855 Students Play Football
Sat., May 26, 1855 Students Spend Day at Market, Creek
Sat., Jun. 23, 1855 Students Hike to Boiling Springs