Selected Highlights from this Issue
- The Alumnus published the second of a two-part history of the Dickinson football team. This article focused on the period from 1912 to 1962.
- Dickinson's first six-week summer session in 1963 was not for students who failed classes. Of the 158 students who enrolled in 1963, only 27 had to be there to make up work.
- Dr. Whitfield J. Bell (class of 1935) delivered an address at a special Founders Day Convocation that recognized the National Park Service's certification of Old West as a national historic landmark.
- Weston C. Overholt Jr., Outing President of the Alumni Association, made a number of suggestions for the future of that organization.
- Jean Hollan VanOrmer (class of 1963) received a $500 award for "outstanding scholastic achievement which symbolize the invincibility of the human spirit" from President John F. Kennedy during a ceremony at the White House.
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