Letter from Harriet Lane Johnston to Frances Cleveland

Harriet Lane Johnston writes to former First Lady Frances Cleveland about the birth of her son, Richard Folsom Cleveland.
Harriet Lane Johnston writes to former First Lady Frances Cleveland about the birth of her son, Richard Folsom Cleveland.
Horatio King writes a personal letter to his son, Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858), and comments on a Mr. Phelps, "John Bull" and the Monroe Doctrine, President Grover Cleveland, as well as events in Mexico and Oregon.
Horatio Collins King writes Governor Elect of New York Grover Cleveland and thanks him for the appointment as a Judge Advocate in the National Guard. King notes his "sincere thanks for... making me a member of your military family."
Attorney Horatio King writes to an unspecified recipient in West Newton, Massachusetts, endorsing the candidacy of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks in the 1884 Presidential election.