Letter from "Tissie" to Esther Windust

"Tissie" writes to Esther Windust and describes Esther's godson, work, and the impending visit of Willie Hawkswolte.
"Tissie" writes to Esther Windust and describes Esther's godson, work, and the impending visit of Willie Hawkswolte.
Laura Windust writes Esther Windust a letter of sympathy in regards on the death of Piet.
Laura Windust writes Esther Windust and asks her to contradict rumors that Annie and Col. Olcott had any differences. Laura also mentions Piet's malaria and shares the news of Mr. Oakley's death.
Laura Windust writes Esther Windust and tells her about Isabel in Rome as well as plans for going to Sweden in July.
Laura Windust writes to her sister, Esther Windust, about George Mead's departure to the Northern Federation. Laura also comments on the division and notes that only time will heal it.
Countess Constance Wachtmeister offers condolence to Mrs. Esther Windust after Piet's death.
Countess Constance Wachtmeister writes Mrs. Esther Windust and discuses photos of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and describes a successful speaking engagement in Edinburgh.
Alfred Sinnett responds to Mrs. Esther Windust's question regarding a portrait of Madame Blavatsky.
George R. Mead writes to Esther Windust, offering his sympathy for the recent death of an unspecified man named Piet.