Dickinson Tech Expo T-shirt, 2017

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00850
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00848-9, AC 00926)

A large white t-shirt from the Dickinson College Tech expo in 2017, which was organized by User Services. The logo "D tech week" on the front and "Dickinson" is on the back. 


ALMA Migration T-shirt, 2019

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00849
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00848, AC 00850, AC 00926)

A large black t-shirt with white design/words on the front and back. It originated from the Dickinson Library's migration from the Sirsi catalog system to Alma-Primo. The back of the shirt has all of the dates for the process, from June 20, 2018 to  June 18, 2019.


KDP/SPSEA t-shirt, 2008

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00848
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00849-50, AC 00926)

A large grey shirt with a logo on the front and back. On the front there is a design with the Dickinson College compass rose logo and KDP/SPSEA (Kappa Delta Pi and the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association). The back of the shirt has a map and the words "Dickinson College Education Department, Engage the world, Teach the Children" on it. 
