ALMA Migration T-shirt, 2019
Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00849
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00848, AC 00850, AC 00926)
A large black t-shirt with white design/words on the front and back. It originated from the Dickinson Library's migration from the Sirsi catalog system to Alma-Primo. The back of the shirt has all of the dates for the process, from June 20, 2018 to June 18, 2019.
KDP/SPSEA t-shirt, 2008
Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00848
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00849-50, AC 00926)
A large grey shirt with a logo on the front and back. On the front there is a design with the Dickinson College compass rose logo and KDP/SPSEA (Kappa Delta Pi and the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association). The back of the shirt has a map and the words "Dickinson College Education Department, Engage the world, Teach the Children" on it.