Charter Day Shirt, 2012
A red T-shirt, size small, with “Dickinson Charter Day 229 Years” in black text on the left side of chest and a drawing of Old West with the text “Dickinson Rockin’ since 1783” in black on the back.
ALMA Migration T-shirt, 2019
A large black t-shirt with white design/words on the front and back. It originated from the Dickinson Library's migration from the Sirsi catalog system to Alma-Primo. The back of the shirt has all of the dates for the process, from June 20, 2018 to June 18, 2019.
KDP/SPSEA t-shirt, 2008
A large grey shirt with a logo on the front and back. On the front there is a design with the Dickinson College compass rose logo and KDP/SPSEA (Kappa Delta Pi and the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association). The back of the shirt has a map and the words "Dickinson College Education Department, Engage the world, Teach the Children" on it.
Arts House T-shirt, 1982
A white t-shirt, size large, with a colorful design on the front. It appears to be a line of dancers. Below the image reads the inscription "Arts House '82."
Alumni Weekend T-Shirt, 2018
A t-shirt from alumni weekend in June 2018. The text on the front reads "Bradley's Back!" and on the back "2018 Alumni Weekend We're Not Getting Older We're Getting Better!"
National Coming Out Week Shirt, 2011
Black shirt with rainbow tie across front. Back has a green Dickinson seal with the text "engaging our community, embracing out identity" and "Office of Diversity Initiatives"
Blue 100 Years of Women T-shirt, 1984
Blue t-shirt with a yellow design on the front with two women and the description "1884-1984, We've come a long way! 100 years of women at Dickinson." It was likely commissioned for the annual Homecoming celebration.
WDCV Bluegrass T-shirt, c.2017
Black t-shirt with a blue stringed instrument design on the front and the words "Bluegrass @ Dickinson WDCV 88.3 FM" on the back. T-shirt was made for the annual Bluegrass on the Grass music festival hosted at Dickinson College.
Emerging Leaders Retreat Shirt, 2015
Cotton, orange, long sleeve shirt with "Emerging Leaders Retreat, Dickinson College 2015, Blazing a Trail" printed on the the back.
Green Devil T-Shirt, 2008
Gray, cotton t-shirt with logo "Turn me off!" on the left breast pocket area.
Jive Turkeys Jersey, c.2004
A light blue and dark blue jersey, size medium, with the Jive Turkeys team design, featuring a turkey and the text "The Jive Turkeys" in blue and "Jickinson College Ultimate" in red. On the back "George W. Bush 666" is printed in blue. This item belongs to Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz.
Devil's Advocates T-Shirt, 2004
A tan T-Shirt, no tag, with a cartoon figure of the red devil with a pitchfork and text around it in red that reads "DICKINSON COLLEGE 2004" on the upper left corner of the chest. On the back "COME ON BABY LIGHT MY FIRE" written in a flame design with the devil cartoon as the "i" in "FIRE". Underneath is the text "DEVIL'S ADVOCATES" in red.
Morgan Crunch T-Shirt, c.2001
A white T-Shirt, size XL, with the Dickinson compass seal in red on the upper left corner of the chest. On the back "I survived the Morgan Crunch! 2001-2002" is printed in red.
Home Grown T-Shirt, 2003
A light blue T-Shirt, size large, with black text on the upper left corner of the chest that reads "HOME GROWN, CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD, Dickinson College, April 30, 2003". On the back "STAFF" is printed in black.
Mail Services T-Shirt, c.2003
A light pink T-Shirt, size medium, with text in red on the upper left corner of the chest that reads "DICKINSON COLLEGE MAIL SERVICES". On the back "STAFF" is printed in red.
Intramural Champion T-Shirt, c.2003
A red T-shirt, size large, with a white and black design on the front featuring six different sports balls and the text "DICKINSON Intramural Champion '03-'04".
Class of 1990 T-Shirt, 2000
Class of 1994 T-Shirt, 1999
A white XL cotton t-shirt with a “D” & ’94 printed in red & black on the back and “Dickinson College, class of 1994, 5th reunion, June 11-13, 1999” printed on the front in black.
"1773" Production T-shirt, 1973
A white cotton T-shirt with the cast of the 1973 faculty production of “1773” in orange, depicting the founding of Dickinson College. The text "Dickinson Bicentennial" is written underneath the image in orange.
Three Mile Island T-shirts, 1979
Two pale yellow cotton T-shirts with the yellow radiation symbol next to the script “I survived 3 Mile Island, I think.” in bright yellow.
"1773" Production T-shirt, 1973
A goldenrod cotton T-shirt with the cast of the 1973 faculty production of "1773" in orange, depicting the founding of Dickinson College.
"1773" Production T-shirt, 1973
A white cotton T-shirt with the cast of the 1973 faculty production of "1773", depicting the founding of Dickinson College.
Bow Tie Tour T-shirt, 2012
A white T-shirt, size large, with "The Bow Tie Tour" in grey and red on the front and a caricature of President Bill Durden and his wife Elke on the back. Beneath the caricature on the back "Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Central Pennsylvania, Chicago, Denver, London, England, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Washington, D.C." appears in black lettering.