Browse Timeline

Sat., Mar. 10, 2001 Helding/Blyth Duo Performs
Tue., Mar. 13, 2001 James Hontz Performs
Tue., Mar. 13, 2001 "Lead Poisoning and Public Health" Lecture
Wed., Mar. 28, 2001 Noonday Concert
Sun., Apr. 1, 2001 2001 Spring Symphonic Band Concert
Thu., Apr. 5, 2001 "In Search of Ho Chi Minh" Lecture
Sun., Apr. 8, 2001 College-Community Orchestra, College Choir, and Brass Ensemble Perform
Tue., Apr. 10, 2001 Fanfares with Friends
Tue., Apr. 10, 2001 Lecture on British and Italian 2001 Elections
Wed., Apr. 18, 2001 Noonday Concert
Sat., Apr. 21, 2001 Junior Recital
Sat., Apr. 28, 2001 Sophomore Performance Majors Recital
Sun., Apr. 29, 2001 Collegium Musicum Performs
Fri., May 4, 2001 Brandon Christensen Performs
Tue., May 15, 2001 Vocal Concert
Sat., May 19, 2001 2001 Baccalaureate
Sat., May 19, 2001 Rev. Frances Foley Guest Delivers Address
Sun., May 20, 2001 2001 Commencement
Sun., May 20, 2001 David Kessler Gives Address
Sun., May 20, 2001 Grace Hartigan receives honorary degree
Fri., May 25, 2001 Arrowmont Faculty Exhibit Opens
Sun., Sep. 2, 2001 229th Opening Convocation
Wed., Sep. 5, 2001 Noonday Concert
Fri., Sep. 7, 2001 "Crosscurrents in the Mediterranean" Exhibit Opens
Sat., Sep. 22, 2001 Brandon Christensen and Eun Ae Baik-Kim Perform
Thu., Oct. 4, 2001 John Conway Receives Priestley Award
Sat., Oct. 6, 2001 Jennifer Blyth Performs
Tue., Oct. 9, 2001 "Francesco Baglioni and the Creation of a Genre" Lecture
Fri., Oct. 12, 2001 Establishment of Stuart Chair
Fri., Oct. 12, 2001 Corigliano Quartet Performs
Sat., Oct. 13, 2001 Homecoming Football Game 2001
Fri., Oct. 26, 2001 Ewing Concert 2001
Wed., Oct. 31, 2001 Noonday Concert
Tue., Nov. 6, 2001 A Concert to Benefit the 9-11 Scholarship
Fri., Nov. 9, 2001 College Choir Performs
Sun., Nov. 11, 2001 Symphonic Band Performs
Fri., Nov. 16, 2001 Jazz Ensemble Performs
Wed., Nov. 28, 2001 Noonday Concert
Fri., Nov. 30, 2001 College-Community Orchestra Performs
Sat., Dec. 8, 2001 Collegium Musicum Christmas Concert 2001
Fri., Jan. 25, 2002 "19th-Century Life" Exhibit Opens
Fri., Jan. 25, 2002 Duo Paganini
Tue., Jan. 29, 2002 "Lecture on Israeli Occupation" Lecture
Wed., Feb. 6, 2002 Noonday Concert
Sun., Feb. 9, 2002 Resounding Influences
Wed., Feb. 13, 2002 "Why was Economics Called the Dismal Science?" Lecture
Sun., Feb. 17, 2002 Helding/Blyth Duo Performs
Fri., Feb. 22, 2002 Corigliano Quartet Performs with Samuel Adler
Wed., Feb. 27, 2002 Lecture on Darwinian Evolution
Fri., Mar. 1, 2002 At the Corner of Dickinson and Broadway
