Dickinsonian, March 4, 2010

Article on the recent Haiti Benefit Concert. Changes on the housing lottery are made. The English Department hosted their annual Cogan Alumni Fellowship event, featuring Frank James '79. Dickinson launches an iTunes U Channel. Men's Lacrosse starts their season off strong with a win against Susquehanna. Women's Lacrosse defeats Messiah. Men's Track wins the 2010 Centennial Conference Championships. Profile on student athlete Ellie Mackintosh.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 2009

The Public Affairs Symposium announces "Sports and Society" speakers. Dickinson to unveil website redesign. US Army War College student, Lt. Co. Richard Zoller speaks on cyber security. Johns Hopkins defeats both Dickinson's soccer teams in the Centennial Conference Championship. Football wins against Juniata.
