Dickinsonian, November 14, 1975

Local artist Florence Lyon to display watercolors in HUB. Robert Hage of Dartmouth College submits thirty recommendations on College's financial aid administration. Prof. Brubaker issues textbook Court and Commedia: The Italian Renaissance Stage. The Pre-Law Society is forming subgroup to deal with issues of women and law. Will Stutts' Mark Twain performance is favorably reviewed.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1975

Actor Will Stutts to present Evening with Mark Twain in ATS. An ice cream freezer and menu board are added to snack bar. Faculty favors plus-minus grading system. College plans a variety of cultural events for America's Bicentennial birthday. Prof. Happe is promoted to US Army Major. Committee for Social Alternatives puts on Burlesque Night.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1975

Due to age, Denny Hall undergoes repairs. Amado Quartet to appear in Cultural Affairs program. Former US Pres. Assistant James Califino, Jr. speaks at the Presidency's Sixth Annual Leadership Symposium. In Memorial Hall, Hugh Seidman is to open Poetry Series. Jimmy Buffet and Roger McGuinn's concert is reviewed as "mediocre."


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1975

Pres. Banks confirms divestment of College's Interdata 7/32 computer. College to co-host Presidency's Sixth Annual Leadership Symposium. To reduce deficit, College cuts Library's budget. Editorial cartoons related to James Buchanan will be featured in Library's May Morris Room. WDCV is set to expand its broadcast schedule. A weekly luncheon series by the Women's Resource Center is to begin. In the HUB, Prof. Clive displays truck art exhibit. Jay Levins and John Chung feature photos of Vietnamese refugees at Indiantown Gap.


Dickinsonian, October 17, 1975

Pres. Banks responds to Food Service Task Force plans. Career-Oriented Liberal Education (COLE) is a proposed concept to "supplement" the College's "current liberal arts orientation." Theta Chi hosts Vietnamese refugees. Ira Brown will lecture on James Miller McKim.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1975

At Faculty meeting, the Computer Task Force recommends purchasing new computer. Mermaid Players is to present plays by de Vega and Shakespeare. Food Service Task Force recommends keeping dining hall open. Women's Resource Center begins Women's Drama Group. A photo essay on Arendtsville's Apple Harvest Festival is featured.

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Dickinsonian, October 3, 1975

24 students help Carlisle Water Works deal with Hurricane Eloise flooding. Delta Nu furniture stolen from storage. According to article "[a]nimosity has decreased" between Campus Police and students over the past five years. Women's Law Society of Dickinson Law School is to present a lecture by Katherine Bard.

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Dickinsonian, September 26, 1975

Pres. Sam Banks receives "many challenges from various speakers" at inauguration. College administration develops plan to evaluate "current administration practices." Banks speaks on need to "reexamine duties" in inaugural address. Junior Tim Hoerner wins McKinlay Scholarship. Featured are photos and clips from various speeches at inauguration.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1975

Library considers altering its honor system after thousands of dollars have been estimated in stolen books. Homer Holland's death does not change drinking ban in HUB. The "future of computing is up in the air" at College, as its IBM 1130 and Interdata 7/32 prove to be financially unwieldy. Eric Sloane's art collection I Remember America is to open in HUB as part of Pres. Sam Banks' inauguration ceremony. Featured is a "Food Service Task Force Position Paper."


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1975

The College-Community Orchestra and College Choir will preform together along with featured guest cellist Michael Haran for Parents' Weekend. WDCV continues to make plans for improvement, including expanding airtime and adding a greater variety of programs. A gallery of the Black Arts Festival "The Black Light of Truth" is given. The Men's Tennis team looses the first time this season.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1974

Surprise sixth candidate for College President, Samuel Banks, shares his views on a liberal arts education. Student Senate debates proposed budget limits to four committees. Student Services will present a workshop on death and dying. The Pittsburgh Symphony chamber Orchestra gives a professional and well-received performance. The football team ends their season with a loss to John Hopkins bringing their final record to 5-4. 1973 Dickinson graduate Jeff Thompson will be the Junior Varsity Basketball Mentor.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1974

Paul Ricoeur will present this year's Morgan Lectures on "Towards a Philosophy of Imagination." The Food Service Director discusses cost cutting tactics with Student Senate. Twelve faculty members apply for the $30,000 research and development grant. Five women's field hockey players land spots on the Central Penn Association all-star team. A promising basketball team looks forward to an exciting season. A calendar of upcoming November and December events is published.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1974

The Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Orchestra will play at the College. The Auxiliary Enterprises Committee (AEX) presents a statement to Senate to close the dining hall to non-boarding students in an effort to lessen stealing of food. In their most recent meeting, faculty debates and questions the search committee for new president of the College. The Office of Student Services and the Counseling Center announce a career workshop for women that is planned. The College hosted the First Annual Dickinson College Debate Debacle, which was won by Wesleyan College.

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1974

John M. Bevan, candidate for College president, examines the importance of a liberal arts education. The Follies production of Superman opens next week. Gulf Oil foundation presents the College with a $1000 grant for audio-visual equipment. Ronald E. Doernbach is selected as the new College registrar. Bruce Springsteen's concert is well received, however the College looses money on it. The College purchases a new Interdata 7/32 minicomputer system.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1974

The faculty endorses five proposals introduced by the College chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Food services blames water for student's sickness. The Mermaid Players will present Under Milk Wood for their first production this year. The library proposes extended hours due to student requests.

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Dickinsonian, September 27, 1974

The HUB Gallery will host a collection of paintings entitled "The Nazi Drawings" by Mauricio Lasansky. Many students contract an unknown illness. A new modern dance program is offered. The field hockey team wins their first game.


Dickinsonian, September 20, 1974

The Institutional Priorities and Resources Committee continues a search for a new College registrar. Poet and author Lucille Clifton will present a poetry reading. Presidential selection, cleanliness and repair of dorms, and reports from each all-College committee highlight the first Student Senate meeting. Intramural football begins.


Dickinsonian, September 13, 1974

A salary raise received by College Treasurer John Woltjen draws stark criticism from faculty. Cannonball Adderly will give a concert Sept. 20th with music being a mix of jazz and soul. President Rubendall greets the incoming freshman class and stresses honesty at the 202nd Convocation. Registrar Paul Anderson will leave the College after five years of service. President Rubendall announces personnel shifts: John Woltjen, formally business manager and treasurer will now be treasurer, Barry Gaal will be business manager, and Robert Belyea will be comptroller.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1973

Student Senate conducts meeting to examine the co-ed housing issue. The recently-published American Defense and Detente by Prof. Eugene Rosi receives praise from colleagues. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College makes progress report; decisions during last semester include changing the male-female student ratio to 1:1 and removing references to "men" and "sons" in the Alma Mater. College artists present interpretations of "stuff." Political columnist Milton Viorst to visit campus. Prof.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1973

Dancer Edward Villella will perform in a Cultural Affairs concert. Dr. Milton Flower gives biannual Boyd Lee Spahr Lecture. The Student Services-organized Washington, D.C. trip is deemed successful. A photo-essay documents a recent public sale in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1973

Pres. Rubendall receives the U.S. Army's Outstanding Civilian Service Medal. A lecture on the history of American warfare is given by Prof. Russell Weigley in Old West. College Debaters dual with Princeton Debaters on the topic "Sex and Watergate." The English Sinfonia perform in ATS.

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