Dickinsonian, October 20, 1933

Collections in center room of Tome Scientific Building are exhibited. Homecoming and Sesqui-centennial. Telescope is repaired and moved from South College to Conway Hall rooftop. Equipment is built for W3YC. Vigilance committee gives haircuts to freshmen convicted of being cocky. Tribunal sentences five students for disobeying freshmen rules.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1933

Athletic Association passes resolution against President Morgan's limitations on number of athletes taken to away games. Men's Senate plans pep rallies. All Dickinson students who applied to medical schools were accepted. Two German exchange students come to Dickinson; interfraternity council chose which two from a pool of five. Sesqui-centennial celebrations planned.


Dickinsonian, June 4, 1931

For the first time since its founding in 1886, the full quota of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity keys are to be given to graduating seniors at graduation on Monday. Senior class day exercises, including the induction of the seniors into the Alumni Association, will take place in one day. Belles Lettres decides to continue to not have rushing for new membership in their society as mentioned in an amendment to their constitution. The honorary fraternity Omicron Delta Kappa initiates seven new members.
