Dickinsonian, February 1894

The editors comment on compulsory attendance at the Day of Prayer, and the faculty's role in encouraging and participating in Christian activities.  The chapter hall of Beta Theta Pi is moved from the Bosler building to the McLaughlin building.  The Orchestra and Octette give a concert in the Opera House, and travel to Chambersburg and Shippensburg to give two more.  Professor Durell publishes a series of articles on the "Application of the New Education to the Differential and Integral Calculus" in the American Mathematical Monthly.  The Athletic Association el

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Dickinsonian, January 12, 1924

Five thousand domestic students and 1000 international students, including 5 representatives from Dickinson College, attend a youth leadership conference in Indiana to discuss the possibility of Christian solutions to global problems. Coach Richard McAndrews is elected athletic director of the college. The non-fraternity men create a new social organization for themselves. Dickinson participates in a nation-wide referendum on the winning Bok Peace Plan. The various men's fraternities pledge 71 men. New rules regarding eligibility to participate in athletics go into effect.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1928

The Alumni Gymnasium plans to open on January 9th for a basketball game against the University of Pennsylvania.  "Brother Bill" Simpson, a lecturer on living a "Christ-like life today", roused the student body with his explanation of the Sermon on the Mount.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1955

An honor code will be introduced to new freshmen starting next semester as requested by many students. Methodist churches of the Central Pennsylvania Conference will observe college day, meaning that they will focus on the idea of Christian Education. Students and faculty of Dickinson will go speak at 56 churches on behalf of this event. Dr. William Sloane's book on children's literature has been so widely accepted and praised by critics that it requires a second printing. Dr. Elmer Herber, professor of biology, receives the Darbecker Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.
