An honor code will be introduced to new freshmen starting next semester as requested by many students. Methodist churches of the Central Pennsylvania Conference will observe college day, meaning that they will focus on the idea of Christian Education. Students and faculty of Dickinson will go speak at 56 churches on behalf of this event. Dr. William Sloane's book on children's literature has been so widely accepted and praised by critics that it requires a second printing. Dr. Elmer Herber, professor of biology, receives the Darbecker Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. The cornerstone of the fire-destroyed Allison Methodist Church reveals a box from 1890 containing a Dickinson College catalogue, minutes from the Central Pennsylvania Conference, a Bible, a Methodist yearbook, local newspapers and a Methodist hymnal. The senior class decides to use the annual damage fund for an insurance plan on an endowment basis rather than a class gift. It is hoped that this plan will be continued by future Dickinson classes to ultimately give the college a larger gift of money through the years. The astronomy department receives a meteorite from the Great Meteor Crater in Arizona, making it the sixth in its collection. Dickinson reporters attend a conference at the Army War College to discuss education with the chairman of Eisenhower's Advisory Committee on Education. A class project from the psychology department will be focusing on bettering college-town relations. President Edel makes clear the athletic policy at Dickinson. Polio vaccines are now available.