Dickinsonian, March 16, 1910

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the Fourth Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest.  The Junior physics class went to study the organ in Allison M. E. Church.  Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman gives an excellent lecture.  The combined musical clubs give a concert at Shippensburg.  Dr. W. V. Kelley's lecture on Browning is a success.  Mid-winter sports exhibition held.  New Dickinsonian board announced.  Editor responds to hazing controversy.  1912 Microcosm board members announced. 


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1945

Annual Doll Show held. Large number of Dickinson students effected by cold epidemic. Mr. William B. Greenlee presents gift of $500 to the College Library. New rules for men's rushing approved by College. Discussion of "Corruption in Russia" held at Allison Methodist Church. The College Choir presents a Christmas program. Students protest grievances. Miss Mary Elinor Betts is the new assistant to the Dean of Women. Lack of diversity in surnames is discussed. Ruth Sellers Maxwell Scholarship in English Literature is established. Coach Arthur D. Kahler returns as head football coach.

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Dickinsonian, May 3, 1941

Wheel and Chain and Omicron Delta Kappa hold the third annual song fest on the steps of Old West. All the fraternities and sororities are expected to attend. The new pastor of Allison Methodist Church, a Dickinson alumnus, will be serving as the student religious advisor. The track team has the highest win percentage of any Dickinson team over the past three years.


Dickinsonian, April 21, 1927

Arrangements for the contests in oratory and declamation for members of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman classes have been completed by the faculty members in charge - Several awards will be given. Mrs. Mabel W. Willebrandt has been chosen to deliver the Commencement address this year. Discussion of well-received lecture in chapel given by Dr. F. D. Losey on "Macbeth." Glee Club will give a concert at the Allison Methodist Church. Article shedding light on college student suicides.

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1928

Professor Leon C. Prince will speak at the upcoming Homecoming pep rally at Bosler Hall before the football team's game against Gettysburg.  Dickinson alumnus Reverend Edmund Davison Soper, D.D., class of 1898, is elected president of Ohio Wesleyan University.  Pacifist Dr. Frank W. Norwood, minister of the City Temple Church in London, England, to speak at Allison Methodist Episcopal church.  The Scientific Club begins meetings at the Tome Scientific Building with talks by Professor J.D. Hardy.


Dickinsonian, May 31, 1958

The American Association of University Professors censures the administration of Dickinson College. Construction work on the Allison Methodist Church and C. Scott Althouse Hall of Science continue on schedule. The Student Center Committee to submit student survey results to the trustees. Hon. Arthur Langlie to speak at tomorrow's Commencement ceremony. Article discusses the inadequacies and discomfort of the Mermaid Players' facilities. The Track Team completes its best season since 1915. Phi Kap's named Inter-Fraternity Champions. Dickinson Swimming wins its 17th consecutive meet.


Dickinsonian, April 18, 1958

Members of the fiftieth class of the Skull and Key Society were tapped. John Scott, contributing editor of TIME magazine, will speak at the Allison Methodist Church-Chapel. The College Social Committee is to present the end of the year formal, themed "April in Paris" and featuring musician Buddy Williams. The Student Center Committee have distributed a questionnaire to aid with the planning of the Center, proposed to begin construction by 1960.

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Dickinsonian, March 14, 1958

In April, the Allison Memorial Church will be opened for the use of both the Carlisle community and Dickinson College - about $200,000 of the $850,000 required to build the church came from the College. Student Senate will approve its new budget - including a $10 increase in the student activities fee - amidst charges from an anonymous former senator that the increase in fees is due to mismanagement of Senate funds last semester.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1958

Five Dickinson fraternities participated in the annual Red Cross Drive of Carlisle, collecting money for the organization. The Communications Committee had it first meeting to discuss campus issues including the College's gift to the Allison Methodist Church, the Student Activities Building and accuracy of reports in the Dickinsonian. Following a vote by Student Senate, a committee will be created to be involved in plans for the proposed Student Center.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1957

This issue is very concerned with the campus Flu Epidemic, in spite of a statement from college physician Dr. Edward S. Kronenberg that the virus was on the wane. Actor Emlyn Williams will appear at Bosler Hall in the second event of the cultural affairs series, "A Boy Grows Up"- a performance about the poet Dylan Thomas. The local building company Mowery & Sons (currently in the process of building the Allison Memorial Church) will construct the new Althouse Science building. The Dickinson College Religious Affairs Council, organized last year, will now hold regular meetings.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1955

An honor code will be introduced to new freshmen starting next semester as requested by many students. Methodist churches of the Central Pennsylvania Conference will observe college day, meaning that they will focus on the idea of Christian Education. Students and faculty of Dickinson will go speak at 56 churches on behalf of this event. Dr. William Sloane's book on children's literature has been so widely accepted and praised by critics that it requires a second printing. Dr. Elmer Herber, professor of biology, receives the Darbecker Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1954

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take the Law School Admissions Test. The annual trip to the UN is scheduled for October 17 and 18 which will allow students to attend a General Assembly session. A new Methodist church is being built on Benjamin Rush Campus. Parents' Day will be observed on October 16.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1958

Internationally renowned harpist Mildred Dilling will perform at a concert in Bosler Hall. Class elections draw record turnout as new voting machine system implemented. Dickinson hosted the very first International Relations Club regional conference.


Dickinsonian, April 30, 1992

Student Senate rescinds use of College name agreement. Communications and Development director Robert White resigns amid fund-raising. First weekend of BYOB meets with success, few problems. Social life committee to continue. Feinberg dinner rescheduled for next week. Eating disorders on campus force college to face the problem. Carlisle Car Shows. Art professor Dennis Akin, who did the stained glass, retires. Jim Morrisey latest storyteller in a series from the English department. College Choir featured in Bicentennial celebration of Allison Methodist Church.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1963

Freshman debate pros and cons of college honor system at a class meeting. Eduardo Mondlane, President of Mozambique's government in exile to visit Carlisle to discuss African problem. Dean of admissions addresses college admissions process. Op. Ed. criticizes use of LSD. Standardized fraternity houses to require changes to social life. New Classics professor Phillip North Lockhart emphasizes study of Augustan Neo-Classicalism. Allison Methodist church welcomes new pastor, Newton Fritchley. Freshman plays to hold auditions. Debate team lacks coach, restricting them from competition.

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Dickinsonian, February 15, 1963

In this issue of the Dickinsonian Dr. Elton Trueblood of Earlham College speaks at Allison Church. The Student Senate elections undergo revised procedures. Dr. Roland M. Frye visits Dickinson. Students return from ski trip to Elk Mountain. Mermaid Players soon to present "The Crucible". German students prepare play under direction of Dr. Herbert Royce. "Two British Satirists, Hogarth and Rowlandson" to be exhibited in Bosler Hall. Prof. Robert Andrews to become headmaster of the Harrisburg Academy. Gail Watt to represent college at 15th Annual PCBA Intercollegiate Band Festival.


Dickinsonian, January 11, 1963

In this issue Eric Grooves becomes editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. Sidney D. Kline is elected President of the Board of Trustees. Drawings for fraternity house sites selected. The faculty approve the IFC request to change the GPA average of pledges. Drs. Malcolm, Gould and Kepner announce retirements. Sellers, Ramos, and Prinz granted sabbaticals. Dr. Benjamin James becomes new Dean of Students. Wolfram Sadowsky from Germany studying at Dickinson with Fulbright Scholarship. Phyllis Curtin, soprano, to perform as part of Cultural Affairs Program. Dr.
