Dickinsonian, December 10, 1921

Creation of the National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armament. The College Social Committee's plans for an all school event. Colonel Stanley Dunbar Embick addresses the college. Annual doll show. Article on Antonio Andrea Arrighi. Phi Delta Theta has an informal. Professor Baumgartner gives a health talk. French Club meeting. Chi Omega entertained Pi Beta Phi and Phi Mu. Formation of women's honorary society, Theta Omicron.


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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1926

The Dickinson Men's and Women's Glee Clubs have been invited to sing at a regional College Glee Club Festival. This year about 110 students out of the 543 total did not return to Dickinson after their first year. The Chairman of the College Social Committee, Blanchard Antes announces the upcoming annual College Picnic. The Senior class decides to end the tradition of Seniors using canes, choosing instead to purchase blue blazers for the entire class. Six Freshman girls receive punishment for breaking the "armband rule."


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1939

College Social Committee brings Claude Hopkins and his orchestra to campus for a concert.  Greek Club holds a meeting devoted to "Idylls of Theocritus," its last meeting of the semester.  William Nicklets writes a piece bemoaning the female gender's attachment to the need for male chivalrous attention even as it demands equal legal and political rights.  Dickinson Glee Club holds first rehearsal of 1939.  Co-chairmen of the Inter-collegiate Newspaper Association's semi-annual convention at Dickinson College, George S. McGill and Christian V.

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Dickinsonian, April 18, 1958

Members of the fiftieth class of the Skull and Key Society were tapped. John Scott, contributing editor of TIME magazine, will speak at the Allison Methodist Church-Chapel. The College Social Committee is to present the end of the year formal, themed "April in Paris" and featuring musician Buddy Williams. The Student Center Committee have distributed a questionnaire to aid with the planning of the Center, proposed to begin construction by 1960.

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