Dickinsonian, May 16, 1925
Baseball team defeats Haverford, loses to PMC and Mt. St. Mary's. Alumni Day program announced. Track team to compete against other colleges in meet at Island Park. Pan-Hellenic Council changes rushing rules.
Baseball team defeats Haverford, loses to PMC and Mt. St. Mary's. Alumni Day program announced. Track team to compete against other colleges in meet at Island Park. Pan-Hellenic Council changes rushing rules.
Baseball team opens season with loss to Mt. St. Mary's. Campus beautification projects underway for the spring. Social Committee plans annual Founders' Day festivities. Pan-Hellenic Council discusses changes to rushing rules for upcoming year.
American Association of University Women hold a reception for senior girls. Pan-Hellenic Council to hold annual formal dance. The Dickinsonian loses its office and is relegated to the library.
The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, are almost complete. Speech on "Patriotism versus Nationalism" will occur at the next meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Belles Lettres Society to gain new officers.
Daily chapel services abolished; services will only be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. George Robert Stephens, Horace A. Rogers, Elmer Charles Herber and E. Winifred Chapman join the faculty. Renovations of Old West are completed. Lovers' Lane is removed. Freshman girls are each assigned five big sisters, one from each sorority and one independent, to introduce them to the college and win their loyalty.
More plans for Pan-Hell Week are being made, especially for the Pan-Hell Dance. A group of students is going with Prof. Fink to the 7th Annual Debaters Conference at State College. Defense stamps will be given when Kappa Sigma hosts its annual Spring Formal rather than corsages. Student Opinion Surveys of America poll about the lack of math college students have studied. Donald Ellswoth Austin '38 is the first Dickinsonian to die in the war with the sinking of the U.S.S. Pope in the South West Pacific. Mixed ping pong tournament announced.
Dean Vuilleumier discusses the plan for the first ever summer semester to take place this summer. Girls prepare to escort men in the coming days as Pan-Hell Week begins. List of all Dickinson alumni that has been living in Hawaii. President Corson returns from month-long vacation in the South. A graduate from 1934 has just qualified as a sharpshooter in the US Marine Corps. Article on criticism the Navy has received due to its potential plan to engender hate for the peoples of enemy country in its pilots. Dickinson begins to require physical education as a graduation requirement for men.
Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in the Armed Services, are helping with defense duties. Mid-Winter Ball was attended by 130 couples or 260 students. Three seniors elected to join Phi Beta Kappa.
The theme for the Mid-Winter Ball will be George Washington's birthday. Eight new members initiated into Phi Delta Theta. Five professors were among the 107 people that registered for the Armed Forces at Dickinson's third registration day. Kappa Sigma initiates five new members as Phi Mu initiates two. Rushing comes to a close for the fraternities. This week's Student Opinion Surveys of America poll debates the issue of the availability of alcohol near army camps. New president of the Athletic Association elected. History of the Lenore Allison Tower. Chi Omega initiates three.
Dr. Wilbur V. Mallalieli, former Red Cross captain, will speak before the Union Philosophical Society on the society's 150th anniversary. 25 students visit a Bethlehem Steel plant in Steelton, PA as part of Social Survey. A report composed by Dickinson delegates is adopted at the debate convention at Penn State. James W.
Three students, Edward E. Knauss, Leon M. Robinson, and Robert H.
Austin Armitstead elected Junior class president. Panhellenic Council places four-month ban on social activities on Chi Omega sorority for breaking rushing rules. Dickinson defeats Allegheny in last football game of season.
Plans to expand college band initiated, including adding more twirlers to the color guard and expanding repertoire. Professor John Pflaum presents talk on current situation in Berlin, highlighting the likelihood of war. Spencer Baird named as "Father of the National Museum" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Editorial discusses the flaws in sorority rushing rules and the Pan-Hellenic Council's responsibility to fix them.